Sunday, 28 December 2014

Wednesday is the new Monday -- Start time is 1415!!

Because Monday was a bust, we're doing that wod for New Year's Eve!

EMOTM for 12 mins:
-2 DL (315/225)
-4 burpees
-8 KBS (55/35)

Thursday, 25 December 2014

Final OHS Day!! 1415 Timing

1415 start time!!

1. OHS: 1-1-1-1-1 (e8/8)
-max effort!!

2. Tabata double unders!!
-score is lowest double under count

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Girl WOD -- Time Change!!


Cindy -- 20min AMRAP
-5 pullups
-10 pushups
-15 squats

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Bench and Complex

1. Bench Press or Push Up 1-1-1-1 (e4/4)
-max effort!!

2. 10 Rds, with one dumbbell:
-Hang Power Clean
-Switch arms
**completion with both arms constitutes one round
**if dumbbell is put down, 5 burpee penalty
**go heavier with the weight!

Thursday, 18 December 2014

OHS Night

1. EMOTM 12 mins: 1 OHS (e7/8)
-75% of heaviest triple

2. Weighted Pull Up: 1-1-1

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Last Deadlift Exposure

1. DL: 1-1-1 (e4/4)

2. 3-4 Rds, NFT of:
5 Windmills each side
30sec Hollow Rocks (cumulative)

Sunday, 14 December 2014

Running Triplet

5 Rounds:
-300m run
-6 C&J (135/95)
-12 Clapping pushups

Thursday, 11 December 2014

OHS Night

1. OHS: 3x10 (e6/8)
--base your sets of 10 off last exposure

2. 4 Rds
-1 min pullups
-rest 30 seconds
-1 min KBS
-rest 30 secs

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Bench Night

1. BP: 3x3 (e3/4)
--maintain weight throughout

Then: 1 set for max reps at each weight:
-men: 225/185/135/95
-women: 135/95/65/45

1a. Pushups: 5 sets, add 1-2 reps to last exposure

2. For time:
-800m run
-50 BJ

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Triplet Night

5 Rounds of:
-5 Pwr Snatch (115/75)
-5 OHS
-25 DU

--the last snatch should lead into your first OHS!!

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Deadlift Night

1. DL: 2-2-2 (e3/4)
--increase weight from previous triple
--failure in form is considered a missed rep

2. 21-15-9 of:
-strict K-E

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Some Ring Work

1. AMRAP 15mins:
-3 Pwr Cleans (155/105)
-3 Pullups
-6 Pushups
-9 BJ

2. Skill work on rings: either work on obtaining the front lever, or work on ring inversions. Watch this vid for some really good demos and scales:

Front Lever