Sunday, 30 March 2014

1 RM Night

So this will be the end, the confirmation, of our gains for the past month. We will be testing our 1RM for both BS and SP, going at a nice, easy pace.

Camille is delighted with our successes!

Saturday, 29 March 2014

14.5 WOD Results

Good  Morning guys,

For those of you at the social last night, drink water. For those of you in the field, take shelter!

Justin - 14:14 (wow)
Eric - 27:26
Ivan - 32:55

Good Job guys!

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Open WOD #5

Here's the WOD.

Here's your reward:

What could I possibly say???

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Run WOD and Lifts

1. Warm-up

2. BS 5 x 3 @90%, 2121

3. SP 5 x 3 @90%, 2121

4. 3 rounds:
--400m run
--30 situps

5. Mobility

Sunday, 23 March 2014

14.4 WOD Result - Post your times guys!!!

Justin - 180 reps - Tiebreak Time 12:29
Caroline - 154 reps
Eric - 127 reps
Ivan - 147 reps
Kathleen - 60 reps
Andrew - 123 reps

That was a punishing WOD - damn those Toes to Bar :S

Strength Week #2

1. Warm-up
Camille contemplates doing the WOD as a 1-Man Team.

2. FS 5 x 4 @85%, 2121

3. PP 5 x 4 @85%, 2121

4. 2-Man Team WOD
--100 situps
--100 pushups
--100 BJ

5. Mobility

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Strength and Lifts

Is that guy looking at her butt??
1. Warm-up

2. BS, 5 x 4 @80%, 2121

3. SP, 5 x 5 @80%, 2121

4. EMOTM sprint 100m for 10 mins
--score is the last round
--see previous times here

5. Mobility

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Trying Something Different

1. Warm-up

2. Anderson squat, 5 x 5 @70%, 2121

3. KB SP, 6 x 4, 3132

4. 4 rounds of:
--20 KBS
--5 DL (225/155)

5. Mobility

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Social Time!!!

Good Afternoon Everybody,

One of our own is getting married (Kaitlyn!)
Her social is being held on 28 March (Friday) 8:00 p.m. at Greendell Park Community Centre.
Tickets are being sold by loads of different people at the Armoury, including the happy couple!
Anyway, the theme is '80s and I intend on consuming copious amounts of non-paleo refreshments :)

Good Job on 14.3 WOD!

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Running and Lifting

1. Warm-Up

2. 3 rounds:
--200m run
--25 pushups

3. Thrusters 4 x 8 (105/75), 02X2

4. Handstand work

5. Mobility

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Our Quest for Gains Continues....

1. Warm-Up

2. Bulgarian Split Squats, 3 x 5 per leg

3. Zercher Squat, 6 x 4 @60%, 2121

4. PP 3 x 10 @65%, 20X1

5. Double-Under Pyramid: 5-10-15-10-5

6. Mobility

No pics of Camille doing this, so deal with it.

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Plyo & Ring Night

Camille does muscle-ups for Kyle.
1. Plyo Conditioning:
-distance jumps
-long depth jumps
-box lateral shuffle
-single-leg jumps
-weighted box jumps

2. 10 x Wall Crawls

3. Ring Circuit, complete however you like:
-5 x 10 sec L-sit (KV & JF do 3 x 10 L-sit pullups)
-5 x 3 sets muscle-ups or progression work
-10 x 3 toes to rings
-10 x 3 sets ring pushups (KV & JF do ring-HSPU)
-5 skin the cat, focus on full back extension

Sunday, 2 March 2014


1. Warm-Up
"Is that Justyn over there?? Back squatting????"

2. 7 rounds of:
-- 7 BS @ 60%
-- 7 BJ

3. SP: 3 x 8 @ 60%, 20X2

4. Mobility