Sunday, 30 November 2014


1. OHS: 3-3-3 (e4/8)
--find a heavy triple

2. Perform max reps at 75% of heaviest load

3. 50 DB squat cleans for time
--this is done at a work/rest of 45s/15s

Thursday, 27 November 2014

BP Night

1. BP 3x5 (e2/4)
--add 2.5-10 lbs from last exposure
1a. Pushup 5 sets, adding 1-2 reps from last exposure

2. WOD
-Run 250m
-21 DB PP
-Run 400m
-15 DB PP
-Run 600m
-9 DB PP

Tuesday, 25 November 2014


1. OHS: 3x3 (e3/8)
--tempo: 2311
--try to add weight from last exposure
--keep same weight throughout

2. Tabata Mash-Up:

--this will be full tabata (ie: 20s work 10s rest x 8 rounds), so pick weight and box height that will allow for quick reps

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Double Suck -- Redo of Friday

We're hitting Friday's workout because everyone was on ex!!

1. EMOTM 12 mins: do one DL (e2/4)
--use heaviest successful load from exposure 1
--poor form is considered to be a missed rep

2. Partner Angie:
-100 pullups
-100 pushups
-100 situps
-100 squats

--partners partition work as desired
--cannot move to next exercise until all reps are completed

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Wednesday WOD

AMRAP 20 mins:
-3 MU
-10 DB Thrusters, left arm
-3 MU
-10 DB Thrusters, right arm

--sub for MU is to MU from floor or do 5 pullups+5 ring dips/pushups

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Shredder Night (Again!)

1. OHS: 5-5-5 (e2/8)
--use 2311 tempo
--use 85-90% of heaviest weight from exposure 1

2. WOD:
-400m run
-100 DU
-400m run

Thursday, 13 November 2014

BP Day

1. Buy-in today for the BP: 20 strict pushups unbroken with good form. If you cannot do that, this cycle you should work pushups instead of BP. Also, for today, choose a sub-max rep range for the pushups. The goal here is to increase your volume by the time we get to BP exposure 4.

Some further thoughts on pushups here.

2. BP: 3x5 (e1/4)
--medium increasing to heavy weight
3. AMRAP 7mins:
-3 Pwr Cleans (155/105)
-7 Burpees

Guest Post -- Rhabdo

A medical post from Brennan; thanks in advance for breaking the science down into understandable parts!
So, I am going to start putting up some athletic information combined with some medical jargon to help the group train smart.

The first thing I am going to talk about is an issue that anyone that participates in a CrossFit program should be aware of. This condition is also one of the biggest arguments against the program itself. RHABDOMYOLYSIS (rhab·do·my·ol·y·sis). There are multiple causes of this syndrome but we are going to focus muscle exertion being the culprit. So what is this, beside a very large, hard to pronounce word? Rhabdomyolysis (Rhabdo for short) is “a syndrome caused by damage to skeletal muscle which results in free myoglobin which is than filtered by the glomerulus which appears in the urine which can lead to renal failure.”
Okay so by now some of you are wondering what I’m talking about. Skeletal muscles are the group of muscles we use to move ourselves and objects around us. Our body notices the stress (running, lifts, etc) and starts to increase blood flow and the production of various coenzymes such as ATP (used for cell energy) to allow us to sustain the work load.

Myoglobin is a protein in heart and skeletal muscles. When you exercise, your muscles use up any available oxygen. Myoglobin has oxygen attached to it, which provides extra oxygen for the muscles to keep at a high level of activity for a longer period of time. When muscle is damaged, myoglobin is released into the bloodstream. The kidneys help remove myoglobin from the body into the urine. In large amounts, myoglobin can damage the kidneys.

So what will you see if someone may have Rhabdo? The individual may have obvious muscle injury (excess swelling, tenderness, limited range of motion). They may also experience symptoms of severe dehydration (hot to touch with no sweat, extremely thirsty and infrequent tea-colored urine) and in later stages they may have severe flank/side pain.

If you start to believe someone may be going down this path what can you do to help them? Give them water. Give them water. Give them water. Notice anything? Also do not give them any electrolyte supplements and limit food which contains potassium. Get them to medical care ASAP.

Alas those most likely to experience this are those who have not progressively trained to high levels of activity….sorry newbies. The best way to avoid being one of those unlucky few is to know your limits. If your body is conditioned to handle heavy weight and endurance activity, it will be able to compensate. If you are new to the scene, do not try to push your body beyond its limits. Everyone has to start small and work smart. Slowly increase weight and intensity and allow your body to recover. Drink plenty of water and listen to your body. Remember sore muscles are good; sharp pain in joints or muscles is bad. If you don’t know if you are prepared for something ask Caroline or Justyn or some designated minions.

Reference: 2005 Griffiths 5-minute clinical consult

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

OHS Night (aka: Shredder's Favorite Thing)

1. OHS: 5-5-5 (e1/8)
--find a heavy 5RM

2. EMOTM 10 mins:
-1 BS (85% 1RM)
-20 DU

Sunday, 9 November 2014

New Cycle!

1. DL: 3-3-3 (e1/4)
--breakdown of form will be considered a missed lift

2. 3 Rds of:
-7 pullups
-14 BJ
-21 situps

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Thruster AMRAP

1. AMRAP 7 mins:
7 Thrusters (135/95)
7 K-E

2. 20 mins handstand practice -- Justyn will work on freestanding handstands/HSPU

Lifting Competition

17 Wing has a powerlifting club, one any of us could join for a small fee. Powerlifting consists of trying your max weight on back squat, bench press, and deadlift. There is an upcoming competition; does anyone want to field trip?? I would imagine that there would be considerable weight being moved and would be pretty cool to watch....Let me know if you're interested in spectating (and they could use volunteers as well!).

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Nutrients and a Blurb on Recovery

From the mouth of Justyn. It's some good advice, take it if you will:

So I’ve been asked about what type of supplements I take. First you have to understand that the body is always using protein or whatever nutrients it gets to build or recover the body. Therefore with that in mind, at night while you sleep (when you are not eating / replenishing nutrients), you are still using whatever you have in your body, or your reserve stock. Therefore when you wake up you are basically running on fumes, at this point you need gas ASAP. This is where you need to know the type of protein to use, because there are some that breakdown more slowly and some that are fast-acting.
Whey isolate protein, is what I use in the morning when I wake up, on top of my breakfast. Specifically, I use Optimum Platinum Hydrowhey. From my understanding this is a hydrolysed from of whey isolate with a lower amounts of fat and stuff you don't need. This is a very popular brand, tons of people use this because it is high quality. I’ve taken other stuff and this is my favorite. 
I also take 1 adult male Centrium multi-vitamin and 1 fish oil tablet. The vitamin because I get sick all the time and the fish oil for blood circulation that promotes muscle recovery.
I mix my own trail mix, consisting of peanuts, almonds, walnuts, m&ms, and black raisins. This trail mix is my snack throughout the day, so throughout the day I am eating tons of nuts for more fuel.
I'm currently trying a new post workout complex of protein, its called Optimum Hydrobuilder. It has a mix of whey isolate (so fast-acting, which is needed right after a workout) on top of soy protein, beef protein, and stuff like that. These other types of protein breakdown more slowly. So the idea is there is some protein for quick access and some slower for consistent supply. Since this is my first time taking it I don't have too much to review about it. Some people take casein protein right before bed, so again this protein breakdowns slowly for consistent protein supply. I don't take this because I haven't felt the need for it... yet.
I started to change up my recovery nutrients because I noticed that I wasn't recovering as fast as I needed to to consistently do 2 workouts a day. At first when I was doing 1 workout a day, I would be sore but increasing the amount of stretching and massaging will help decrease that soreness, IN ADDITION to active recovery. But when moving to 2 a days it was too much for my body, therefore I had to look for another source of recovery.


Justyn's fun-time tonight!! He'll be running the show, enjoy!!

Camille loves Justyn's surprises....

Sunday, 2 November 2014

End of the Cycle!!

So this is it, last BS night....

1. BS 1-1-1-1-1 (e8/8) --> find a new 1RM!!

2. SP 4x6 @65%

This is a low bar BS.