Friday, 25 July 2014

OHS Event from the Games

The second event from the CrossFit Games this year is a 1RM OHS. Athletes are given three attempts. This vid starts part-way through the first heat for the women (there are three heats). Camille is in the third heat and comes out around 34:45; her first lift is at 39:50. The men's first heat starts about 55mins in. Tyson is in the first heat, and sets a high weight right off the bat, and kills it, at 58:23.

I recommend watching at least some of this vid (and the various events of the Games over the weekend); you will see new techniques/ways of doing the movements (plus: Camille!!).

-note the deep breath they all take -- gives you the big chest/tight core.
-various width of arms -- in particular Lauren Fisher (at 37:21) demonstrates a particularly narrow grip.
-loosing the bar is generally caused by either shifting weight/being unsteady on the way down/up, or by knees caving in.
-special note to Shredder: NO ONE'S heels come off the ground during the squat!!

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