Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Wednesday Manmaker Day

1. Sprint warmup
2. 3 x manmaker run
3. Jerks 2x10 @60%
4. Pistols 3x5 per leg

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Running Monday

1. 1 mile run
2. Pwr Clean 1x15 @60
3. SP 2x10 @50%
4. Handstand hold for time --> 3 attempts

Thursday, 24 April 2014

300 WOD

At Craw's behest, here's the infamous 300 WOD. To view your times from the last go, click here.

-25 pull-ups
-50 deadlifts (135/95)
-50 push-ups
-50 box jumps
-50 "floor wipers" (135/95)
-50 KB clean & press (35/25)
-25 more pull-ups
-- for a total of 300 reps

She laughs at our pain.

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Weds Sprints

1. Sprint warm-up
2. 2 x 4 x 100m
-20m accel, 80m maintain
-rest 5 mins between sets
3. BP 3 x 8 @ 70%
4. Handstand work

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Monday Running

1. 1 mile run (10 laps) for time
2. BS 2 x 15 @ 60%
3. DL 2 x 20 @ 60%
4. TGU + 8 KB Snatch + TGD --> 3 x (1+8+1) per arm


1. Goodbye to Justyn on his Greek odyssey.

2. Ropes have been ordered for: Brennen, Pilon, Ivan, Kathleen, Sawchyn, Craw. Estimated arrival (but prob sooner) is between 16 & 25 May. Final price for y'all: $9.83.

3. We are one week into a endurance cycle. What this means is that until the end of May, expect lots of longer runs, sprints, and repetitive movement WODs. The aim is to increase endurance, as opposed to the strength, of your muscle groups.

Camille knows what's good for you.

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Good Friday Chipper

Work out for 1400!! No night session!!

We're doing a workout from the past tonight; check your former times here.

Camille likes what she sees.

22 DL (225/135)
50m farmer's walk with KB (55/35)
22 KB thrusters
50m farmer's walk with KB
100m run
22 pullups
200m run
22 OHS (45)
400m run

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Weds Sprints and Such

1. Sprint warm-up
2. 3 x 300m
3. 10 min AMRAP
-7 pullup
-7 PP (95/65)
-7 pushup
4. Handstand work

**Important: Friday's workout will be at 1400!!

Monday, 14 April 2014


If anyone is interested in saving on the shipping and ordering a decent speed rope, let me know on Weds. What I bought for myself already is from amazon.ca, comes in black, red, or blue, and is the low low price of $7.99. I won't know shipping/tax until I know how many want to order, and you'll split it. Go here if you want to see it/get more info. Yeah buddy!!

New Cycle

Tonight we are starting a new endurance cycle. Expect longer sprints, longer runs, and WODs to tax our met con!!

FS: 1 x 15 @ 60%
Double Unders: 5-10-15-20-15-10-5
EMOM for 12 minutes of:
-2 x thrusters @80% 1RM
-4 x burpee

Thursday, 10 April 2014


For time:
33 pushups
33 BJ
33 pullups
33 burpees
33 situps
33 KBS
33 air squats

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Weds Sprint and Lift

1. Sprint W/U: ABC, activation, accels, etc

2. 4 x 60m sprint --> accel 10m, maint 50m

3. OHS 5 x 5 --> light to med weight

4. Mobility

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Friday Chipper!!

Action shot
30 deadlift (135/95)
400m run
20 hang power clean
400m run
10 power clean
400m run

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Post-Open Wrap-Up & Weds

Great effort and work by all. The run-down, provincially (looking at regional placements isn't as brag-worthy):
Females (out of 166)
Caroline: 45
Kathleen: 114

Males (out of 210)
Justyn: 33
Andrew: 156
Ivan: 162
Shredder: 199

We hope that you all learned something/feel a sense of accomplishment about how you did, and remember, there's always someone who did worse then you on one of the workouts!!

As for Weds, Andrew and I will be out of town, so Justyn is heading up some plyo and ring action -- unless he decides to put you through the paces with a WOD!

Camille is thrilled with our scores!!