Thursday, 29 May 2014

Friday Re-do

We're retrying a chipper from a couple of weeks ago that nobody ended up doing...

2 minutes at each station, 2 minutes between stations of:
-thrusters (75/55)
-wall balls
-power clean (95/65)

Score will be total number of reps. Depending on attendance we will start at various stations.

Guess who?

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Weds Sprints

After some activation, a little sprint WOD:
-10 rounds of:
--10 pushups
--100m sprint

some clean review, and then a jerk lesson

If you've already gotten both of those movements:
C&J: 3x5 @80%

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Olympic Lifting Week

This week will be dedicated to learning cleans and jerks (in addition to normal WODs for anyone who wants them).

Monday night, for those learning the lifts, we will be doing a full lesson on cleans, from what the hang position is right up to doing a hang clean (I hope!).

Everyone else: we're moving off of endurance and going onto strength again.


FS: 3x5 @70%, 20X1
Pistols: 3x5 per leg, increase weight if you can
PP: 3x7 @65%, 20X1
Work on being upsidedown

Thursday, 22 May 2014

The Bear....

The dreaded Bear Complex:
-Pwr clean

1. All movements lead into each other without pause.
2. Going through those 5 movements = 1 rep. 7 reps = 1 round.
3. Bar cannot be put down until entire round is complete. Pwr clean is touch-and-go, no pausing at the bottom!
4. This WOD is 5 rounds. Rest as needed between rounds.
5. Start weight is 95/65. Increase weight between rounds.
6. This is NOT for time.

Camille hates bears.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Repeating the Sprints

1. Sprint warmup
2. 3x300m sprint --> let's see if we've improved any since 16 Apr....
3. Couplet, 5 rds of:
-5 BS (225/155)
-5 DL

You may sprint or prance, the choice is yours....


1. We are having a social event on Friday night, after the workout. If you can only come for socializing and aren't crossfitting, come to the Tavern United at Polo Park for 1930-ish.

2. Thanks to everyone that came to help paint the shed last weekend. It looks really good and helps us look like a permanent part of Minto.

3. A few of you have wanted to chip in some cash to buy some new equipment, and the consensus seems to be that a count-down timer/clock would be the best investment. Currently, I'm eyeballing this one, which costs $290 and is top of the line. It will be able to do any type of interval/count up/count down we will ever need. If someone finds it cheaper or a comparable clock, by all means let me know. Shredder has already ponied up a big chunk of change. If anyone else wants to chip in (please!!), even a couple of bucks, it would be apprecicated. The intent is to mount the clock on the outside of the shed, with the controlling remote locked away in our little locker so the clock doesn't get abused.

Camille gets ready to have drinks.

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Last Week

This is the final week of our endurance cycle...

1. BS 3x10 @70%
2. EMOM, until fail:
-1 thruster (95/65)
-5 pullups
--> add 1 thruster per min

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Handsome Jay

Love the name of this one.
Even Camille looks nervous about this.

-10 HSPU
-20 K-E
-30 ring dips
-40 BJ
-50 burpee
-60 pullups
-70 pushups
-80 situps
-90 squats
-100 double unders


On Saturday, around 10-ish, come down to the Armouries and give us a hand painting our storage locker...I'll make some treats!

Camille likes the paint-balloon method.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014


1. Sprint warmup
She will take care of biznass!!
2. 150, 300, 800m sprints
3. Ryan: 5 rds of
-7 muscle ups
-21 burpees

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Girl WOD

Karen: 150 wall balls for time

While you're waiting your turn:
-BP 3x8 @80%
-Double unders 5-10-15-20-15-10-5

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Chipper Night

Use same load throughout:
-30 pullups
-21 thrusters (85/65)
-50 double unders
-21 hang pwr clean
-50 double unders
-21 OHS
-50 double unders
-21 pullups

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Plyo and Rings

First Weds of the month = everyone's favourite workout!!!

Did she poop out that little sign??

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Monday Mixed Bag

1. BS 3x8 @70%, 20X1
"Hi Justyn!!"
2. Work up to 1RM squat snatch
3. EMOM for 10mins:
-1 x squat snatch @70%

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Something Different & Time Change

Andrew and I will likely be late for Friday's workout, so we're moving the start time to 1800.

2 minutes at each station, 2 minutes between stations of:
-thrusters (75/55)
-wall balls
-power clean (95/65)

Score will be total number of reps. Depending on numbers we will start at various stations.

Do this.