Sunday, 29 June 2014

Last Week of Strength

Next week we'll be taking it easy. Until then....

1. BS 7x4 @80%, 1011
2. SP 3x3 @95%
3. Triplet of 4 rds:
-10 KB Snatch/arm
-15 Wall Ball
-20 Pushups

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Complex Friday

We are doing the following complex:
-1 DL (155/105)
-2 HPC
-3 PP
-4 FS
-5 Push Jerk

-Go through the sequence 5 times to equal one rep
-Don't put the bar down until you are done a rep
-Rest as required between reps
-We are doing 3 reps

Tuesday, 24 June 2014


1. Nancy -- 5 rds of
-400m run
-15 OHS (95/65)

2. PP 2x5 @50%

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Lifting & Couplet

1. Snatch grip DL 5x5
2. Pressing Snatch Balance 5x3
3. Sean -- 3 rds of:
-11 chest to bar pullups
-22 FS (75/55)

Thursday, 19 June 2014


Hero WOD: Franco. After the Filthy Fifty two weeks ago, this looks like a cakewalk.

10 thruster (135/95)
10 pwr clean
10 PP
10 DL
10 KBS
10 weighted lunges (2x25)
10 burpee
10 situp
10 DU
10 thruster

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Sprints & Abs

1. Sprint warmup
2. 4x(20sec sprint, 10sec rest)
3. SP 6x3 @85%, 21X2
4. T-B 3x15

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Lift and Couplet Night

1. OHS 5x5 @ 70%, 1211
2. BP 7x3 @65%, increase by 5% each set
3. 5 rds:
-5 DL (255/205)
-10 barbell burpee

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Friday Chipper

For time:
-20 KBS
-30 KB thruster, left arm
-20 pushup
-30 situp
-30 KB thruster, right arm
-30 burpee
-20 KB snatch, any arm combo
-200m farmer's walk
-20 KBS

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Sprint & AMRAP

1. Sprint warm-up
2. Sprint 4x150m
3. 5 min AMRAP
--3 any way overhead (75% BW)
--6 pushup
--9 full leg-raises

Summer sprinting uniform.

Clock and Logo

So, I finally ordered the clock. It's this one. After shipping it came to $300, but it will be well worth it. A big thanks to Shredder and Brennan for fronting in half of the cost. Any other donations are appreciated. Know that although the clock will be mounted above the door of our shed, the remote to control it will be locked up in our locker; my point being that this clock is ours and won't be used by day-staff.

On another note, thanks again to Brennan for painting our logo on the backside of the shed. It was agreed by all that it looks kick-ass!

See you all on Wednesday...

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Monday Lifts

1. BS 5x4 @80%, 11X1
2. Squat clean 4x4, keep the weight where you can do them successfully
3. TGU + 5 KBSnatch + TGD 5x(1+5+1)
4. DU 5-10-15-20-15-10-5

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Filthy Fifty!!

The infamous WOD. 'Good' times are around 30 mins. We are subbing supermans for the back extensions.

50 BJ
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 KBS
50 Walking lunge steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 PP (45/35)
50 Supermans
50 Wall ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Weds Plyo & Rings

First, and most importantly, a big thanks to Brennan for throwing down a c-note towards a clock. I'll prob order it this weekend....

We will be jumping and fooling around on the rings, with the add-on of some bonus ab-work.

Anyone wanna hook us up with a GHD??

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Monday Lifts

Monday kicks off a strength cycle, so expect lots of lifting for the next month!

Also: still hoping for any donations for a clock!!

Deadlift: 5x5, start at 70%, increase 5% each set
PP: 5x5, start at 70%, increase 5% each set

EMOM for 10 mins:
--2 x deadlift (155/115)
--2 x HPC
--2 x PP