Thursday, 29 January 2015

Bench Night!

1. BP 3x5 @65-75-85%
-add 5lbs to 1RM to find percentage!

2. 5 Rds:
-5 OHS (115/85)
-10 ring dips or ring push ups
-5 manmakers (50/35)

Thank god for instructional videos:

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

New DL Cycle

1. DL: 3x5 @65-75-85%
-add 10lbs to your 1RM to base your percentages

2. 20min AMRAP, spend 1 min per exercise:
-DL (135/105)
-L-sit (1 second=1 rep)

Sunday, 25 January 2015

Rings & Snatch

1. 10mins of skin the cat

2. 15mins snatch skill building

3. 5 rounds:
--3 snatch (95/65)
--5 burpees
--40 mountain climbers

Thursday, 22 January 2015


1. Strict pullups: 5-5-5-5
**rest 90secs between sets
**use additional weight if this does not challenge you

2. 10 mins to build up to heavy TGU

3. Sprint time:
-2 sprints
-10 situps
-4 sprints
-20 situps
-6 sprints
-30 situps
-8 sprints
-40 situps
-6 sprints
-30 situps
-4 sprints
-20 situps
-2 sprints
-10 situps

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Crossfit Open!

So registration is open for the Crossfit Open. It's $20, the first workout released on Feb 26, with another being released for the following four weeks. Like last year, the WODs start on Thursday nights, and your score must be submitted by Monday night, so we will likely run the WODs on Friday nights. If there's a conflict, we'll also judge who we need to on the weekend.

A change that they have instituted this year is that there will be subs/scales available for each workout -- there will even be a leaderboard for those that scale every workout. This is an improvement, as you will no longer get stuck on a movement and suffer a low score as in years previous.

I think that participating in this is an excellent opportunity to really push yourself and see how you stack up. Believe me, you will do better then you think!! Besides, we will be doing the Open WODs anyways on Friday; why not see how you stack up?? For the next month or so, I will badger each of you until you give in!!!

Dibs on Justyn's Regional coach pass!!

BS and BJ

1. BS: 3x5 @65-75-85%
**base percentages off of 1RM+10lbs

2. How far can you run in 5mins??

3. 5 Rds:
-5 squat clean (135/95)
-20 BJ

Sunday, 18 January 2015

New Cycle!

1. SP: 3x5 @65-75-85%
**base your percentages off of your 1RM+5lbs

2. Mary -- AMRAP 20mins:
-10 pistols
-15 pullups


Mary Jr:
-10 pushups
-12 (per leg) backwards lunge
-15 ring rows

Thursday, 15 January 2015

More 1RM

1. BP: 5-3-1-1-1(1-1)*
*test 1RM

2. SP: 5-3-1-1-1(1-1)*
*test 1RM

3. K-E: 3x10

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

1RM Testing

We are a new cycle with some 1RM testing and technique for the newbies....

1. BS: 5-3-1-1-1(1-1)*
*test 1RM

2. DL: 5-3-1-1-1(1-1)*
*test 1RM

3. 10 mins handstand work

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Monday Couplet

1. 21-5-9 of:
-hang squat clean (95/65)

2. Ring work!!

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Life After Death

1. DL: 3x5 -- 50% of 1RM

2. Life After Death:
-20 sec work, 10 sec rest for 16 work periods
-Alternate the following:
--KBS (55/35)

**Justyn will do burpee T2B :)

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Squats and a Girl WOD

1. 15 mins of working on perfecting your squats

2. 5 Rounds:
-AMRAP barbell walking lunges (100/75)
-Rest 90sec between rounds

3. "Front Nancy": 5 Rounds:
-400m run
-15 FS (95/65)

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Sprints & Core

1. Power Clean 6x3

2. 8 Intervals of:
-sprint 1 min
-rest 1 min

3. Core work:
-L-sit max time
-sit-ups, for 80 minus your L-sit time
--rest 1 min, and repeat for 2 more rounds

Into the Swing of Things

We're going to ease into a new cycle over the next few sessions...

1. Jerk: 3-3-2-2-3-3

2. For time:
-18 C&J (95/65)
-40 pullups
-12 C&J
-30 pullups
-9 C&J
-20 pullups

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Last Day of Break -- 1715!!

Sorry for the late-ish post. I think New Year's Eve wrecked a lot of us today...

Surprise chipper for Friday, the last day of the break....

Get ready for pain...