Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Militant CrossFit: 15-May-13

Mixing it up today!!!

Warm up:
Walking Lunges - Width of the parade square (There and back)
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats

For time
5 Laps Forward
2.5 Laps Backwards
5 Laps Forward
2.5 Laps Backwards

Try not to trip and kill yourself...

Then..that's right...another then...
15 min AMRAP
10 Deadlifts (225#, 175# - or scale)
10 Double KB Clean and Jerk (36#, 24#) - Newbies scale to ground to over head using dumbbell
10 Knees to Elbows (scale to leg raises)


  1. Griff- 15:51

    200lbs, 35 lbs kb, 3 rds 3 deadlifts

  2. wod I: 15:47
    wod II: 2 rds, 8 dl (125lbs/25lb KB)

  3. Griff: 13:04
    WOD: 5 Rounds, 10 Deadlift, 3 KB Clean & Press (Rx)
