Monday, 8 July 2013

Militant CrossFit: 08-July-13

Warm Up: Standard


A. 4 sets:
Good morning 8-10 reps @30X1 (Tempo: 3 Down, 1 Up)
DB/KB thruster 8-10 reps
B. For time:
15 Overhead Squats (95/65)
2 Laps
30 Front Squats
3 Laps
60 Air Squats
2.5 Laps


Good mornings will be done with a straight back today, going slow on the way down and fast on the way up. Adjust the weight according to the rep scheme and tempo, which should be heavier than last week. For the dumbbell thrusters, aim to go heavy, and if you manage to complete all 10 reps without letting go of the dumbbells, then go up in weight for the next set. You might surprise yourself. For Part B, choose a weight that allows you to do the squats in no more than two or three sets, ideally even unbroken. This will likely be in the 60 to 70% of 1RM range for the overhead squat and closer to 50% of your front squat 1RM.