Friday, 19 July 2013

Militant CrossFit: 19-July-13

IF you read this before sessions tonight. BRING A TOWEL!!!

Warm Up:

Back Squat: 10,8,6,4,2
Rest 1 min between sets

20 min AMRAP
1 Lap Farmer's Walk (55/35)
4 Clean and Jerk (135, 105, 95)
6 Towel Pull-ups
6 Knees to Elbows (Hanging from Towel)
6 Pistols (Alternating 2 per leg)

The towel pull-up combo simulates climbing a 20' Rope. 6 reps is one climb. You might have to raise the squat racks a bunch though. If you donèt have pull-ups sub Ring rows, Hanging Leg raises and airsquats. You will have to double the reps though: 12, 12, 12.


  1. 3 Rounds, 1/4 farmer walk 35lb, 105 C/J, Ring Rows, assisted Pistols
