Warm Up:
A. EMOTM 6 min:
Deadlift 6 reps touch n go unbroken @ 75%
B. EMOTM 6 min:
Good morning 6 reps
C. EMOTM 6 min:
12 pistols alternating
D. EMOTM 6 min:
12 KB snatch (alternate sides per round) (55/35)
E. EMOTM 6 min:
12 hollow rocks
A bit of a different format today. A good strategy is to warm up all the movements beforehand so that the clock can go off every minute and seamlessly go from one exercise to another. I recommend 1-2 min rest between exercises. Most of these movements should be pretty straight forward. If you don’t have a pistol, you can work on doing them to a box or bench or using a counter weight or even single leg or double leg deck squats. If not sure about the loads, err on the light side.
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