Sunday, 7 September 2014

New Strength Cycle

Starting next week, for the next two months, we are going to do a strength cycle that I've borrowed from CrossFit South Brooklyn. I feel that they have a very high standard of programming, and they present a good balance between strength, gymnastic, and monostructural domains. They also write the coach's blog, Inside the Affiliate, which I recommend you to peruse.

In any case, the focus will be on back squat, and building up massive gains. We will be doing very high repetition sets starting next week. More info about them will be posted next Sunday. We will also be hitting power cleans.

What this also means is that this is the last week of our current routine of weights/sprints/chipper on M/W/F (for now, anyway). As always, I'm open to comments and suggestions, and would really like you're feedback, especially as the cycle progresses.

Tonight's workout:

-BS 5x4 @65%, focus on technique in preparation for next week
-SP 4x4 @70%
-Couplet -- 21-15-9 reps of:

Camille likes the plan....

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