Monday, 4 March 2013

CrossFit Militant: 04-March-13

Today will be the last workout before the Open begins on Wednesday. Those competing will have their hands full. Those not competing will continue with programming as usual. We're going to make this workout a good one. More importantly let's make it a workout that means something to our team as soldiers first.

As soldiers our training must support the job we do in the field. It has to simulate the intensity and the random nature our jobs may present to us. Our training has to force us to adapt and overcome. will be a complete surprise. Show up, be ready to work, and bring your gas masks.

"The Gambler"

Using a deck of cards draw one card and do the exersise associated with the card
  • Clubs - KB Swing
  • Spades - Goblet Squat to Overhead
  • Hearts - Push-ups
  • Diamonds - Sit-ups
  • Jokers - 21 Burpee Box Jumps
Example: 8 of Clubs = 8 KB Swings
Aces = 15 reps

Continue drawing cards until the entire deck is complete. All 54 cards

Every 13 cards stop and run one lap.

106 KB Swings
106 Goblet Squats to Overhead
106 Push-ups
106 Sit-ups
42 Burpee Box Jumps
4 Laps

Try to finish in under 50 min


  1. 24 Goblets
    25 situps
    31 KB swings
    28 pushups
    1 run

    4:05 (55lb KB)

  2. 35 KBS
    11 Sit-ups
    29 Goblets
    45 Push-ups
    1 Run
    6:47 (35lb KB)

  3. 27 Goblets
    55 Sit-ups
    24 Push-ups
    1 Run
    6:26 (55lb KB)

  4. Hey Vince to eliminate confusion we re measured the parade square one lap around the white lined circle is 157m

    1. 157m hey? Looks like I've been running too far...

  5. 49 Push ups
    4 Goblets ( 55lbs)
    60 KBS ( 55lbs )
    31 Sit ups
    1 Lap
    Gas Mask on the whole time

  6. this workout looks like it went in the shitter. Maybe it was complicated. Sorry for not being there to explain. I'll be at the armouries at around noon today if anybody is interested in trying again. One person pics a card and everybody does the exersise and reps associated with that card. Cards are drawn one after the other until the whole deck is complete. I've updated the blog post above.

  7. Just completed the workout. Subbed Pull-ups for Sit-ups and used a 54# KB

    Total Time: 38:45
