Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Militant CrossFit: 20-March-13

Something Different!

3 Laps
3 Rounds
5 Pull-ups
7 Knees to elbows
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats

Bear Complex
We will be doing this for five rounds. NOT FOR TIME

This is one rep:
1. Power Clean
2. Front Squat
3. Push-Press
4. Back Squat
5. Push-Press
Seven reps = 1 round
The bar cannot touch the ground until the seven reps are complete. Then you can put it down and rest/puke or whatever.

Weights are (115lbs/95lbs Advanced) (95/65 for General Fitness/Beginner)

1 comment:

  1. well since no one showed up today :P i did the workout but because of the open i only did 3 rounds, not 5

    115lbs, no drops

