Monday, 29 April 2013

Militant CrossFit: 29-April-2013


Fitness:A. 3-4 sets:
Split Squat 10 reps
B. EMOTM for 15 min rotating between:
4 Burpee box jumps (24/20)
8 Toes to Bar, Knees 2 Elbows, Leg Raises
16 steps DB walking lunge (35/25 per hand)

Performance:A. 3-4 sets:
Split Squat 8-10 reps

B. EMOTM for 15 min rotating between:
6 Burpee box jumps (30/24)
12 Toes to Bar
18 steps DB walking lunge (55/35 per hand)

Coach’s Tips
For Part A, you will want to go heavier than last time we did the split squats. The split squat can be done with both feet on the ground or with the back leg elevated. However, make sure you hips squared forward and stick to the tempo. If you have tight hip flexors or tend to have hip or sciatic issues, elevating that back leg will be tough, so you can just go heavier and not elevate the back foot.

Part B: The buzzer will go off every minute as you rotate through the stations. If you are not squatting your bodyweight or if you have any hip or knee or ankle issues, the coach will suggest a substitution for the burpee box jumps, such as kettlebell swings or burpees.

Friday, 26 April 2013

Militant CrossFit: 26-April-13

Warm Up: Standard

Skill review

WOD: "Collin"

Rx'd Athletes:
6 Rounds
  • Carry (54#/35#) KB 400m
  • 12 Reps - (115#/75#) Push Press
  • 12 Box Jumps (24"/18")
  • 12 Sumo Deadlift Highpull (95#/65#)
Non-Rx'd Athletes:
4 Rounds
  • Carry (35#/25#) KB 400m
  • 12 Reps - 75#/55# Push Press
  • 12 Box Jumps (Sub as needed, if you can't squat more than BW then sub step-ups)
  • 12 Sumo Deadlift Highpulls (65#/45#)
Cool Down

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Militant CrossFit: 24-April-13

Warm Up:


A.3-4 sets:
5 Ring flys (Straight arms/Raise rings to make the movement easier. If this is still an issue sub, wide push-ups)
7 Ring Push ups (turnout at top )
9 Cuban rotations
B. EMOTM for 14 min alternating:
3 Ground to Overhead (Scale Weight as needed)
6 barbell facing burpees

Fitness & Advanced:
A.3-4 sets:
5 Ring flys (Straight arms )
7 Ring Push ups (turnout for the entire range of motion)
9 Cuban rotations
B. EMOTM for 14 min alternating:
3 Touch & Go Clean & jerk (155/105)
6 barbell facing burpees


Part A is not for time, aim for perfection. For ring flyes you can adjust the height of the rings for your strength level. For the ring pushups make sure you turn your palms forward at the top of the pushup. Finish with cuban rotation. If you currently don’t have many regular toe pushups, work on these instead of the ring pushups. If the ring pushups are easy for you or if you are doing Performance, keep your palms turned forward for the entire duration of the pushup. You will find this is a whole different ball game. For Part B, we will have the timer go off every minute on the minute. On the first minute do 3 Clean & Jerks, these can be power cleans or squat cleans, depending on what you want to work on. On the second minute do 6 barbell facing burpees.

I Squat Clean Bitch!!!

Monday, 22 April 2013

Militant CrossFit: 22-April-13

Monday's Workout!

3 Rounds
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats
20 Double Unders (60 Singles)

3-4 sets:
Snatch Grip DL - 10 reps
Double KB Front Squat - 10 reps

For time
Scale load as needed
Every minute on the minute do 5x burpees
In between sets of burpees do as many Double KB Thrusters as possible
Goal is to hit 100x thrusters, your score is the time is takes you to get there

Nice Front Rack

Friday, 19 April 2013

Benchmark Friday

Tonight we're hitting Eva, hard and fast:  
5 Rounds for time of:
  • Run 800 meters
  • KBS (55/35), 30 reps
  • 30 pullups
Camille is pleased with this WOD.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Militant CrossFit: 17-Apr-13

Bear Crawl Forward, then Backward

2 Rounds

5 KB Deadlift

5 KB Goblet Squat

10 KB Swing

3-4 sets or approx. 20 minutes of work for technique not for time:
TGU 5 reps per side
Single Arm DB row 10-12 reps

Ten rounds for time of:
135 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
15 push-ups

Monday, 15 April 2013

Militant CrossFIt: 15-April-13

Warm up:
3 Laps
3 Rounds:
7 Pull-ups
7 Knees to Elbows
7 Air Squats


Movement review


Tonight's WOD

Bars set up on one side of the armouries (width), KBs set up on the other.
  • Sprint across parade square
  • 20 KB Clean and Press (10 each arm) - Scale to Ground to overhead (54, 35, 25)
  • Sprint across parade square
  • 12 Deadlift (135/95)
  • Sprint across parade square
  • 20 KB Snatch (10 each arm) - Scale to dumbbell snatch (54, 35, 25)
  • Sprint across parade square
  • 12 Back Squats (135/95)
  • Sprint across parade square
  • 20 KB Swings (54, 35, 25)
  • Sprint across parade square
  • 12 Overhead Squats (135/95)
  • Sprint across parade square


Friday, 12 April 2013

Militant CrossFit: 12-April-13

Standard warm up today:
Laps and Pull-ups, push-ups, airsquats


Running Drills:

5 x 50 m Sprints

5 rounds
10-8-6-4-2x Front Squat(65% 1RM) 
10x Box jump (30"/24")
10x Ring (scale to box) dip

Thursday, 11 April 2013

As some of you may have read in the Free Press or on CBC over the past few weeks, Alex Petric, one of the CrossFit community, recently suffered a serious and tragic spinal injury while traveling Central America.  He is currently paralyzed from the ribs down.  Please read the links below and visit the website for all the details on the accident and what is being done to help Alex and his family. Any donations and all support is greatly appreciated.

His Story/Donations -

A guy I work with is good friends with Alex and can get us the wristbands to support Alex’s rehab at Project Walk for a minimum donation of $5. If you are interested let me know.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Militant CrossFit: 10-April-13

Let's address some things we never work!

Warm up:
90 Double Unders or 180 Singles
2 Rounds
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats

3 sets:
Ring Support 30 sec
Active Hang 30 sec
L-Sit 30 sec
Bridge 30 sec

4 Rounds
2 Laps
10 Burpee Box Jumps
10 Sumo Deadlift Highpulls (95/65)
10 Thruster (95/65)

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

CrossFit Open Wrap Up

Congratulations to everybody who competed in the CrossFit Open. I think this article written by Mike at CrossFit 204 sums it up...

Great job! Here is how things ended up;

Individual Women Manitoba (84 Competitors)
Caroline Crawford - 19th
Kathleen Cameron - 52nd

Individual Men Manitoba (125 Competitors)
Vince Salemi - 21st
Cameron Skrypnyk - 45th
Mitch Wilson - 46th

Amazing effort by all!!

Monday, 8 April 2013

Lvl One CrossFit Crse

One reason to do the course: you get to hang out with CAMILLE all weekend!!

Yes, I am touching her.

Mitch's Birthday!!!

Happy Birthday to Mitch
Happy Birthday to Mitch
I hope you're well rested
This is going to be a bitch!

3, 2, 1, Gas, gas, gas!!!

21 Power Snatch (115#/95#)
21 Burpees
21 Toes to Bar
21 Handstand Push-ups
21 KB Thrusters
21 Weighted Lunges (45/35#)

UPDATE from Care: we're going out for drinks after, to Modern on Portage (map link)!

Friday, 5 April 2013

Militant CrossFit: 5-Apr-13

Warm up: Standard

Work on any skills you think you need extra attention on.
Overhead Squats
Clean and Press
Etc, etc...


5 Pull-ups (Sub Jumping Pull-ups)
10 Push-up
15 Air Squats

AMRAP - 20min

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Militant CrossFit: 3-April-13

Warm Up:

Shoulder Press: 3x5


For time:
Overhead walking lunges (45/35)
10 Goblet Squat to overhead
40 KB swings
Overhead walking lunges (45/35)
20 Goblet Squat to overhead
30 KB swings
Overhead walking lunges (45/35)
30 Goblet Squat to overhead
20 KB Swings
Overhead walking lunges (45/35)
40 Goblet Squat to overhead
10 KB swings
Overhead walking lunges (45/35)

Monday, 1 April 2013

Militant CrossFit - Easter Monday

Warm Up:
3 Laps
3 Rounds
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats

Front Squats: 3 Sets of 5 Reps
(Same drill as usual)


AMRAP in 15mins:
  • 7 Push Press (115/80/65)
  • 7 Push-ups
  • 7 Pull-ups (Sub ring rows)
  • 1 Lap