Friday, 28 June 2013

Militant CrossFit: 28-June-13

Warm Up: Standard

Weighted Pistol find your 1 rep max with a kettlebell in rack position
4 sets:
2 minutes to complete:
5 Back Squats (BWT)
7 THrusters (95/65)
AMRAP - KB swings (55/35)
Rest 2 minutes between sets


Part A is testing our max weighted pistol. This will require a lot of hip and ankle mobility but if you know you can do pistols this is a great opportunity to test out your strength here and also to see if both sides match. If you don’t have pistols, take this time to work in this as a skill, there are various ways to do this. I recommend sets of 5 per side, doing deck squats, single leg deck squats, pistols to a box or using a plate under the heel or a counter-weight to assist you.

Part B: Start each set with back squats, followed Thrusters and finishing with AMRAP kettle bell swings in the remaining time. Scale back squats to no more than 75% of your 1RM is you can't do BW.