Front Squat-
Clean Pulls
Tech - 4-4-3-3-3
20 Pull-ups 30 Push-ups 40 Sit-ups 50 Squats
Each time we time the round. Multiple Rounds, btw 3 and 5 (time depending)
Front Squat
Wed Night 1930
Before You Read the WOD - Press Play on the Video, and then read on with the Music Playing in the Background
Warm Up
- 5 Knees To Elbows
10 Push Ups
10 Situps
3 Rounds
Then ....
Split Jerk
3 rounds
Run 400m
21x KB swing (53#)
12x Pull-ups
1930 Monday Night Minto Armories
three couplets, 10min each, 3 min between couplets
1x 1-arm BB power snatch (65#/45#)
1x Reverse BB Turkish get-up (start from overhead position)
10 DB thrusters (2x45# 25#)
4x 50m dash
5 Muscle Ups
(8 jumping)
20 Air squats
Friday! Friday! Gotta Get Down On Friday!
(at 4:30 No Less! Thats 1630 for you cool kids!)
CrossFit Warm Up
First - Movement Review and Instruction
Then - WOD Two Groups
Group A.
For time
40x Overhead squats (45#)
40x Hang power clean (45#)
40x KB swings (53#/36#)
40x Walking lunge steps
40x Push Ups
40x Burpees
40x Pull-ups (or 60 Jumping Pullups)
40x Situps
Run 900m
Group B.
30 Air Squats
30 Kettle Bell Swings
30 Walking Lunge
30 Push Ups (or 15)
30 Burpees (or 15)
30 Ring Rows (or 15)
30 Situps
And ya its going to be Nasty,
but remember.... they dont call it "Gym-Nicetics"
Clean |
Because Track makes you Cool as a Cucumber |
Max rounds in 15 minutes
5x Deadlifts (225#/135#)
7x Knees to elbows
9x Push-ups
Paula Radcliff, and wold champion Marathon |
Jeter, World Champion 100m |
Haile Gebrselassie, World Champion Marathon |
Yoham Blake 100m World Champion |
5 rounds
7x Back squat (225#)
10x Burpee box jumps