Sunday, 29 April 2012

Moday - 1930

Front Squat-

Clean Pulls
Tech - 4-4-3-3-3

20 Pull-ups 30 Push-ups 40 Sit-ups 50 Squats

Each time we time the round. Multiple Rounds, btw 3 and 5 (time depending) 

Front Squat

Friday, 27 April 2012

Friday 3:30pm 

Warm Up -

3 Rounds

5  Pull Ups
10  Push Ups

15  Air Squats

Stick Warm Up (snatch Grip)


5-5-5 Slow, Med, Explosive Pulls
Power Snatch (from the ground) 
5  5  4  4  3  3

Front Squat 
5  5  5  5  5

Bench Press
5  5  4  4  3  3

Snatch Pulls
3  3  3  3

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Wed Night 1930

Before You Read the WOD - Press Play on the Video, and then read on with the Music Playing in the Background


Warm Up
- 5 Knees To Elbows
 10 Push Ups
 10 Situps
3 Rounds 

Then .... 

Split Jerk 
3 rounds
Run 400m
21x KB swing (53#)
12x Pull-ups

Sunday, 22 April 2012


1930 Monday Night Minto Armories 

three couplets, 10min each, 3 min between couplets

1x 1-arm BB power snatch (65#/45#) 
1x Reverse BB Turkish get-up (start from overhead position)

10 DB thrusters (2x45# 25#)
4x 50m dash

5 Muscle Ups  (8 jumping)
20 Air squats 

Friday, 20 April 2012

Friday! Friday! Gotta Get Down On Friday! 

(at 4:30 No Less! Thats 1630 for you cool kids!) 

CrossFit Warm Up

First - Movement Review and Instruction 

Then - WOD Two Groups

Group A. 

For time
40x Overhead squats (45#)
40x Hang power clean (45#)
40x KB swings (53#/36#)
40x Walking lunge steps
40x Push Ups
40x Burpees
40x Pull-ups (or 60 Jumping Pullups)
40x Situps
Run 900m 

Group B. 

30 Air Squats
30 Kettle Bell Swings
30 Walking Lunge
30 Push Ups (or 15)
30 Burpees (or 15)
30 Ring Rows (or 15)
30 Situps

And ya its going to be Nasty,
but remember.... they dont call it "Gym-Nicetics" 

Thursday, 19 April 2012

A note on what Kyle Said....

Kyle, you were right ....

I am sure we all understand that what is a well laid out argument in ones mind, can occasionally come out slightly missing the point.

My last post was misconstrued as accusing the dead solders of being "un fit" or "not fit enough" and if that was my claim, it would of course be unfounded and un provable. 

I guess this was my point.

Fitness is directly proportional to your ability to survive trauma.

A "more fit" person with the same injuries as a "less fit" person has much better chance of survival. This person is also more likely to be able to remain at least some what combat effective.

Upon removable from immediate threat, "more fit" individuals heal and complete rehab programs more quickly then "less" fit individuals.

"More fit" soldiers have a measurably higher work capacity then "less fit" soldiers. They can move more of anything, move it faster and move it for a longer period of time. Thus we do more work then "Less Fit" soldiers (or get stuck doing more work than)

This means picking up the slack of, and literally circling back to pick up "less fit soldiers"  This is not limited to Pl. Runs. This is a reality of combat. When "More Fit" soldiers must do more work in a Combat Environment, they are exposed to more danger per unit of work completed simply due to exposure. Thus we are placed in relative danger by "less fit soldiers"  But Cam, that relative, do they really directly put us at risk?


"Less Fit" soldiers may Survive combat, but they will have a much harder time Thriving in that environment for the simple fact that they will be to tired to. So you dash to cover, lay down effective covering fire, then your "less fit" Fire Team Partner waddles over to you gasping and weezing, delirious and then proceeds to not even be able to take a sight picture let alone apply marksmanship principles he fails to effectively cover you. You get shot. The "less fit" soldier is unable to rescue you, you die. Or they get injured on Patrol, and your patrol must retrace old its steps and encounters a fresh IED or ambush, and you die. Or they slow your unit and you fail to reach an objective on time or someone else dies.

And you know thats why being unfit in the army is a selfish act. Because their lack of fitness puts others at risk.

"Less Fit" soldiers are a direct threat to your units effectiveness and your  survival. You should be very very emotionally invested in this.


Pick the people you covering you.

 Caveat! Anyone who is out there busting their ass trying to get more fit, regardless of their current level deserves nothing but praise. They will, in the long run be examples as what to do, and reach levels of fitness they never thought possible.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

 "I'm Fit Enough."

Some kid at Minto told me that this morning. Some kid fresh out of BMQ Land, Told me he was too busy to train, he had three jobs. 

I asked him if one of those Jobs was being a soldier.  He sheepishly replied "yes".

But you know its not even who this guy was,

It was the Arrogance that one could ever be "Fit Enough" 
None of us are "Fit Enough" 

All we can hope for is that one day, when we are challenged with life or death, or the death of our friends, that we have done everything in our power to prepare, and hope. 

May that day never come. 

Tonight we Sprint,

Warm Up

6 minute Run

Dynamic Stretches

3 X 30m reverse hurdle
3 X 30m karaoke (big knee on cross over)
2 X 20m low side steps (change sides every 5 steps)

2 x 10 Rollover Start
2 x 10 Walking Start:  Walk, hit mark and accelerate
2 x 10 Dancing Start:  With feet moving in place accelerate without false step
2 x 10 SideStep & Go:  Take two steps sideways then drive off back foot and accelerate the opposite direction

Speed (95%)
2 x 4 x 60m (Accel 10m; Maintain 50m)

1 minute between runs
5 minutes between sets

and if you can't Back Squat's, Squats Lots!

Back Squat 

Monday, 16 April 2012

A Comment on Monday Night

Nice F'en Work Guys

You all killed you old scores with only a month since the last workout.

When we do CrossFit WOD's we are chasing our own ghost. The shadow of our former selves.

So for all that good work I leave you with this:

10  Box Jumps
10  Inverted Push Ups (legs on your Box)
5 Samson Stretch

3 Rounds


5x5 Power Clean + Press

   Five rounds for time of:

   15 Pull-ups
   30 Kettlebell swings,
   30 Lunges

Ref.   The last time we did this workout.

and thanks to Anonymous ...... the second time as well


Sunday, 15 April 2012

Notes on Learned Lifts for Eva/Darwin. 

However it would be wise for all to review and reflect on. 

Hang Power Snatch

- Snatch Grip + Foot Position
- Get Downs
- Dead Lift (1st pull) We were not concentrating on this but it is necessary to get to the hang.
- Shrug + Hip Extension (2nd pull) 5x5x5 Slow, Med, Fast
- Pull under the Bar (3rd pull)
- One - One Drill

* Wide Snatch Grip
* Start in ideal jumping foot position, land in ideal squat position
* Explode up from the Hang, create that force on the bar driving
* Elbows stay forward and high (don’t dinosaur/reverse curl the bar)
* Shoulders pressed to the ears
* Arms locked in wide overhead position

(then for the rest of you guys)

Hang Power Cleans

- Clean Grip + Foot Position
- Dead Lift (1st pull)
- Shrug + Hip Extension (2nd pull)
- Pull under the Bar (3rd pull)

* Narrower Clean Grip, slightly wider then hips
* Start in ideal jumping foot position, land in ideal squat position
* Explode up from the Hang, create that force on the bar driving
* Practice transition from above navel bar to arms underneath. (armpit drill)
* GET DOWN fast and hard. I should hear you slapping fast under the bar.

Clean Pulls

- Shrug + Hip Extension (2nd pull)
-Knees to navel

* Narrower Clean Grip, slightly wider then hips
* Start and stay in Ideal Jumping position
* Come up to toes with the hip extension
* Go heavy

Friday, 13 April 2012

Exams are over, Time to Train! 

REMEMBER IT'S AS 4:30pm!!!

Adapted WOD From Seal

Check them out at

Baseline: ROM Drills. Run 800M, 25x Turkish get up each side (35#/25#), run 800m

Work capacity: AMRAP 20 minutes:
  • 30x Box jump (24in/20in),
  • 20x push press (115#/75#),
  • 10x Toes to Bar
Strength: 5-5-3-3-3-3-3 Military Press

Stamina: Chipper, not timed: 20x military press @ 90% 3 RM, 75 x DB push press (30#/20#), 200m Overhead lunge (45#/25#)

Durability: 1 mile run @ moderate pace. 50x sit ups, 50x Bridger. Active stretch or yoga.


Women's Biathlon..... F Yeah 

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Power Lifting 

Warm Up


5x5 of

Back Squat

Bench Press

Dead Lift

We will be going heavy, but not maxing out. That will come when exams are done and we are all back to 100% strength.

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Monday Night

Warm-up x3
5 Chins
7 T-B
9 Squats

Stick/Shoulder W/U


 Five rounds for time of:

7 Muscle-ups
95 pound Sumo-deadlift high-pull, 21 reps

1st LT Tyler E. Parten, 24, of Arkansas, died Sept. 10 in Konar province, Afghanistan, of wounds sustained when insurgents attacked his unit using rocket-propelled grenades and small arms fire. He was assigned to the 3rd Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Carson, Colorado.

Wod Demo

Friday, 6 April 2012

Nice turnout Friday, thanks guys.....

anyways some of us are getting together tomorrow at 1300 tomorrow at Minto for some informal lifting. Feel free to join, it will be a nice, stress free lifting day. We are going to do some FS, some Pulls and some Jerk Wrk.

 So over Easter weekend do me one small favor;    Ask yourself,

Am I ready?

Am I ready?
Am I ready?

Am I ready? 



Well? Are you? 

Think Long and Hard before you skip your workout. 

Track Wod @ 17 Wing Winnipeg Track

Because Track makes you Cool as a Cucumber
1930 (7:30pm)  

Activation Exercises

4-6 min Run


Mobility Drills – 2 x 15
A Skip forward and side

Hops – 1 X 10 (Quick touches rigid ankle)
Side to Side
90 degree turns

Power Speed Drills
A Run (2 x 5 metres 50 touches)

Wall Claw (5 times each side)

Alternating Fast Last
(2 x 20 meters)
2 x 20 Straight Leg Bounding
(Last one with an accel)

Accelerations in Spikes (As turnarounds)
1 x 20m 70%
1 x 30m 90%
1 x 50m 95%

Speed (97%+)

5 X 20m Flying 20S  (20m run up and 20m Acceleration)

3 min Rest

3 x 50 Ins and out (20 hard 10 easy 20 hard)

4  min Rest

2 x 150 (90%)

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Nothing feels like a good Snatch, Pt.2

CrossFit and Stick Warm up

Overhead Squat
Going Super Light 

Pwr. Snatch


Max rounds in 15 minutes
5x Deadlifts (225#/135#)
7x Knees to elbows
9x Push-ups

Command Team may be coming out... Max Attendance!!!

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Posted Above as a New Page,

Track Workouts Part #1

Until you can do these light on your feet, forefoot midfoot strike. cycling, ect. Do not go around moping until you can make it through the wods running well. Then we will increase the distance.

Remember what I said, if you can run very fast with good technique for short distances(100-300), then you can run generally well at Medium distance(400-800). When you can run very fast with good technique at medimum distance then you can run generally well at longer distances (1k - 5k).

People will argue this, but it works as a general rule most of the time. However it does not work backwards. If you are great at Marathons or a Half, you generally suck at sprinting. And we are soldiers training to destroy our enemies of the battle field. We need to be able to rush an enemy trench-line, dashing from cover to cover,  with way to much gear and still be aware enough to shoot our enemies.

Paula Radcliff,  and wold champion Marathon
Jeter, World Champion 100m

Haile Gebrselassie, World Champion Marathon
Yoham Blake 100m World Champion

You guys pick your physical adaptation. . .  then train accordingly 

Monday, 2 April 2012

Its Raining . . . . 

Squats that is . . . .

First: Barbell Pick Ups


Back Squat

10 at 45 then ---- 10-10-10

Clean Pulls 

Push Jerk


5 rounds
7x Back squat (225#)
10x Burpee box jumps