Wednesday, 18 April 2012

 "I'm Fit Enough."

Some kid at Minto told me that this morning. Some kid fresh out of BMQ Land, Told me he was too busy to train, he had three jobs. 

I asked him if one of those Jobs was being a soldier.  He sheepishly replied "yes".

But you know its not even who this guy was,

It was the Arrogance that one could ever be "Fit Enough" 
None of us are "Fit Enough" 

All we can hope for is that one day, when we are challenged with life or death, or the death of our friends, that we have done everything in our power to prepare, and hope. 

May that day never come. 

Tonight we Sprint,

Warm Up

6 minute Run

Dynamic Stretches

3 X 30m reverse hurdle
3 X 30m karaoke (big knee on cross over)
2 X 20m low side steps (change sides every 5 steps)

2 x 10 Rollover Start
2 x 10 Walking Start:  Walk, hit mark and accelerate
2 x 10 Dancing Start:  With feet moving in place accelerate without false step
2 x 10 SideStep & Go:  Take two steps sideways then drive off back foot and accelerate the opposite direction

Speed (95%)
2 x 4 x 60m (Accel 10m; Maintain 50m)

1 minute between runs
5 minutes between sets

and if you can't Back Squat's, Squats Lots!

Back Squat 