Thursday, 17 May 2012

Friday Night

At 7:30pm, in the immortally creepy words of Julian Assange, "I'mmmmmmmm Ba-ah-ack"

We are Oly Lifting, Nice and easy.

Eva, got the message you left. I once again apologize to both you and the other other high level athletes out there. We have all lost out because of what is in the end a foolish minor incident. 

Full Clean

Back Squat
Technique - 5-5-5-3-3

Push Press

Ring Work 
Skin the Cat -  5 Good ones
Knees to Elbows - 7 Good ones
Ring Dips - 7 Good ones
Toes to Rings - 7 Good Ones
Support Position - 2x Max Hold

Here is an example of the Catch Position for a Full Clean . . .  

This is what you will all look like . . . . . .  I am sure . . . . 

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