Saturday, 17 March 2012

The After Math

How About Fridays WOD... Did that Suck Balls or What!!!!     

But ok, I have been meaning to address this for some time...     

              There has been alot of talk about Supplements, Vitamins, Pre, Post Workout . . . . . . Blah, Blah BNlah. I have done a ton of research,some companies are better then others.  Whats important for you guys to look for is Pharmaceutical Quality, (check for actual certification) and Athlete Guarantee Certification (ISKA or equivalent)

Things I do recommend are:

- Protien Powder ( to have sitting in your car, your locker, you kitchen. This is used only in emergencies when you have no chicken or fish.


- Creatine,  ( It lets you work out harder, for longer, and recover faster. The Size gains are artificial, and will dissipate as your retained water (a side effect) goes. However when you work out harder, for longer, your capacity increases......

But here is my final judgment, based on a lot of research . . . . . . This is what you should do. . . . .


Then ....

Eat Meats and Vegetables
Nuts and Seeds, 
Some Fruit
Little Starch 
No Sugar

-Eat to keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat. 
-Eat organic, grass-fed free range meats & eggs.
-Eat until you feel satisfied, not until you’re full. 
-Eat Nutrient dense foods. 
-Eat foods that can be eaten in their raw state.
-Drink lots of water. 
-Eat naturally colourful foods. 
-Cook your food in oils from plants and animals.
-Eat Berries and lots of leafy greens. 
-Avoid grains, processed food and refined sugar. 
-Get 8 Hours of Sleep per night. 
-Replicate the Hunter Gatherer way of life in today’s World.

Thats it, thats all...... This is your path to World Class Fitness
Its not in a bottle, its in Broccoli and a Barbell

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