Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Wed. is Boxing Day?   

How about you actually spend some time in the Box, the NotCrossFit Box @ Minto Armouries

0900 Minto Armories 
(caroline confirm you can make that time to open up)

Turkish Get Ups

then 3x4 of 25,35,55

4 rounds
10x Pull-ups (m)
20x Push-ups
Sprint 50 yards
20x KB swings (53#)
20x Sumo deadlift high pulls (75#) 

As well, Looks like we are going with 

"Militant CrossFit"

Any last minute feedback please send away! 


  1. Why didn't anyone confirm this was happening.....

  2. Anonymous,

    I dont know who you are, or what your talking about?
