Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Sprint Night & Advance to Contact

Check the muscle definition.
Warm Up:
6 minute Run      
Dynamic Stretches

Track Warm Up:
3 X 30m reverse hurdle
3 X 30m karaoke (big knee on cross over)
2 X 20m low side steps (change sides every 5 steps)


2 x 10 Rollover Start
2 x 10 Walking Start:  Walk, hit mark and accelerate
2 x 10 Dancing Start:  With feet moving in place accelerate without false step
2 x 10 SideStep & Go:  Take two steps sideways then drive off back foot and accelerate the opposite direction

Speed (95%):
2 x 4 x 60m (Accel 10m; Maintain 50m)

1 minute between runs

5 minutes between sets

Then: Josh's Advance to Contact:
5 laps  
2 x lengths of parade square, doing 10 walking lunges, then 10 burpees
5 laps 

Monday, 30 July 2012

The Quick Tuesday Tango

For 1800

 It's not going to be good...

Ten* Five Rounds of
10 Push Press (115/85)
10 Deadlifts (225/135)

*A mutual decision was made mid-WOD to cut it to five rounds.

Just like that.

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Monday Squat Night

Everyone come for 1930.

After warm-up:

5-5-3-3-1 for:
Back Squat
Front Squat
OHS Squat

Study up:

Good: weight is centered and depth is low.
Bad: elbows aren't up at all.

Friday, 27 July 2012

Saturday's Couplet

10 rounds
1x [Ground to overhead + back squat + push press + front squat] (135/95)
5x Dips

Then: finish WOD with 2 mile run

Darth does Dips!

Thursday, 26 July 2012

ESPN Body Issue

The ESPN Body Issue came out a bit ago, but in case you haven't enjoyed it yet, go here to see more of these (ie: tight nekkid athletes):

Meet Ronda Rousey, notable for introducing trash talking to Women's MMA.   

Worst Chipper Ever!

To send Justyn off on course in style (and by style I mean pain):

WOD was amended as 20 reps of each was WAY too much...
Weight throughout: 135/95
20 10x hang power clean
20 10x thruster
20 10x SDHP
20 10x push press
20 10x deadlift
20 10x OHS
At the top of each minute, stop and do 4x burpees

Active shoulders.

***Is a mooseknuckle different from a camel toe???

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Josh, Kyle, Eric, Mitch,

Post you fricken data, Do it! I am still doing data tracking out here.

In other news, Watch what you do and say. And dont ever say anything on Facebook or Twitter. Social Media is dangerous.

This Greek Triple Jumper just got expelled from the Olympics, I mean its hard to stay mad at a face and bod like this, but there is a real lesson to be learned here.

A moments inattention and careless thought can cause a lifetime of regret.

On another note, Racism is also bad. Study genetics and Human Eveloution.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Weds WOD

Newbies come for 1900 to learn KB thrusters, everyone else for 1930.

Breaking from sprints:

3 rounds:
15-12-10x reps; start and finish WOD with 400m run

KB thrusters (25#)


Monday, 23 July 2012

Tuesday's Couplet

Crossfit Disco:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of
Power Clean (75% BW)

I think it's cold out.

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Monday Oly!

Everyone (including Newbies) come for 1930!!

It's going to be a heavy night:

Bob's Tasty Combo #11 (how can you resist a WOD with a title like that?)
Rest as needed between efforts
Power snatch 3-3-3-3-3 @ 65% 1RM
Jerk 3-3-3-3-3 @ 60% 1RM
Clean pulls from floor 4-4-4-4-4 @ 90% 1RM
Back squat 8-8-8-6-6 @ 60% 1RM


Friday, 20 July 2012

Mini-WOD Saturday

Care says YES!
Meet for 10-ish.

Work on your own stuff, or if you want a mini-WOD:

5 rounds
Rest as needed between lifts
KB press 5-5-3-3-3 (each arm)

Then some technique practice:
-Snatch Pulls
-Pressing Snatch Balance (click for video)

Track and Field

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Chip It!!

For time:
5 deadlift (1.5x body weight)
10 pull-ups
15 burpees (chest to floor)
20 KBS (55/35)
25 squats
30 walking lunges
35 sit-ups
800m run 

Apparently she does lunges, but really, we're not reading the text....

A-B-C Sprint Cycle

For the newbies, here's a vid Cam posted a while back. Watch through it, and note the drive phase at the beginning, their arm positioning, and then how they move into the A-B-C cycling.

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Weds Sprint & Rings

New People come for 1900
Regulars come for 1930

Sprint WOD: Sprint 100 yards on the minute for 10 minutes. Post your last sprint time.

Ring WOD:
Skin the Cat -  5
Knees to Elbows - 7
Ring Dips - 7
Toes to Rings - 7
Support Position - 2x Max Hold

Annie wins the Games again!!

Cameron Edit:

Hope you all saw some of the CrossFit Games, some real inspirational stuff. You should all check out CrossFit.com and watch the Womens Final....

And Congrats to Annie,Repeat Winner! thats a big deal, I wondered if I would ever see it....

As well glad to see you are all working hard back home. I will see you all in september.

Updated!! Tuesday Tickler


Updated from the original Tuesday couplet, b/c push pressing two days in a row...not good.

A quickie:
5 rounds
5x Deadlift (275#)
10x Burpees

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Monday Mixer

Change it up:

We'll be doing stair jumping, then Turkish get-ups (both KB and with bar) and then SP/PP/Jerk to failure....

Cam posted the first part of this video here, words to motivate you.

Friday, 13 July 2012

Hero WOD -- 1700 Saturday!!

Our special guest (Anne-Marie) will be leading us through "Klepto," kicking off at 1700.
4 rds:
27 box jumps
20 burpees
11 squat cleans (145)


Mitch is my hero:

Is that a morphine drip???

Thursday, 12 July 2012

At 1900, will will go to SPARTA!

Training with Anne-Marie at 1900 Friday.

First: 3x3 Clean & Jerk

Then we're hitting the 300 WOD:
- 25 pull-ups
-50 deadlifts (135/95)
-50 push-ups
-50 box jumps
-50 "floor wipers" (135/95)
-50 KB clean & press (35/25)
-25 more pull-ups
-- for a total of 300 reps

To honour Mitch, our beat-upon college, gas masks will be optional...

Look at those pecs....

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Special Post for New People

You wanted extra to do from home, so here is what you should work on. Cam posted this ages ago:

The Ladder:
5 push-ups
5 air squats
10 push-ups
10 air squats
15 push-ups
15 air squats
20 push-ups
20 air squats
25 push-ups
25 air squats

Remember to sit back during the squats, and keep the knees out. Do this 1-2 times a day.

Remember to take the time to roll out your muscles with a rolling pin.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

AMRAP Wednesday!

Changing it up from sprints. After warm-up, we will hit "Death by AMRAP"

Complete as many rounds as possible in the 3 Min AMRAP:
  • 3 KBS (heavy)
  • 6 Box Jumps (High)
*2 Min Rest between AMRAP
Complete as many rounds as possible in the 3 Min AMRAP:
  • 6 Box Jumps (High)
  • 6 Thrusters (95/65)
* 2 Min Rest between AMRAP
Complete as many rounds as possible in the 3 Min AMRAP:
  • 6 Thrusters (95/65)
  • 9 Burpees 
Dying at the end is optional.


Monday, 9 July 2012

Tuesday Couplet

Meet for 1800.

AMRAP for 20 mins:
10 Thrusters (65)
10 Pullups

Then flexibility work:
-hold Side Split  on Right Leg for 5 minutes
-hold Side Split  on Left Leg for 5 minutes

It's Annie!!

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Monday Lifts

After warm-up:

-Back Squat: 7-7-7-5-5
**Going for technique, not weight
Power Clean: 5-5-3-3-2
Bench Press : 3-3-2-2-1

Here are some excellent bench press tips, particularly tips 3 (which Vince has showed some of us) and 5.

Dispatch from Petawawa

Ok first things first, watch this video....


Glad to hear that you guys are hitting it hard at Minto. Things in Pet are what they are..

Good: Amazing Facilities, Great Pool, Hot Tub, 200m Indoor Track, 300 and 50(somthing) outdoor track, , One CrossFit Area, one CrossFit Gym, just all kinds of awesome....  As well CrossFit is growing army wide, tons of people out here are doing it! lots of good looking guys and girls.

Bad: Mod 6 Blows, just not at all fun.

Finally I have been talking with Anne-Marie Young, she is on her way into Winnipeg and is looking forward to the opportunity to train with you guys again. Make sure that  you take full advantage of the oppertuinty to learn from a high level athlete like her!

Other then that take care, Train Hard and Rest.

Oh and Mikel . . . .  I am still furious at you

Saturday, 7 July 2012


Extra tutorial: handstand progressions. (Cam has posted this before.) Watch, learn, practice.

Friday, 6 July 2012

Saturday Skills

Come for 10

Work on whatever you want, or if you don't have any ideas:


Thursday, 5 July 2012

Hero WOD

7 Push-up
7 Knees-to-elbows
7 Air squats

WOD: Jack
AMRAP for 20 mins:
-10 push press (115)
-10 KBS (1.5 pood/1 pood)
-10 box jumps (24"/20")

If time (and energy) permits:
OHS, light weight for: 7-7-6-6-5
**We are wanting to build up the core strength, not go for a PR.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Wednesday Sprint-O-Rama

Something interesting happened in the world of track & field on 23 Jun: at tie (click for link).

Here's the photo finish.
Track Drills

Then More Warm Up:

20 @ 60%
20 @ 60%
40 @ 60%
40 @ 80%
60 @ 80%

Then Track Wod:

 100 @ 100%
 200 @ 80%
 200 @ 90%
 400 @ 100%

Monday, 2 July 2012

Special Joshie Supplement

As we were discussing, how long should you recover between workouts??? The dudes at Lift Big Eat Big had some thoughts on this (click here for link).

Not really relevant to this post, but hey, I'd hit that...

The Tuesday Tickler

Kickin' it old-school.

Meet for 1800.

After warm-up:

5 Rounds of
10 x Clean & Jerk (135/85)
15 x Box Jump

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Monday Weight Lifting

For 1930
Gorilla grip!!

7 Pull-up
7 Knees to elbows
7 Air squats

For all: 5-5-3-3-3
-Front Squat
-Shoulder Press