Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Weds Sprint & Rings

New People come for 1900
Regulars come for 1930

Sprint WOD: Sprint 100 yards on the minute for 10 minutes. Post your last sprint time.

Ring WOD:
Skin the Cat -  5
Knees to Elbows - 7
Ring Dips - 7
Toes to Rings - 7
Support Position - 2x Max Hold

Annie wins the Games again!!

Cameron Edit:

Hope you all saw some of the CrossFit Games, some real inspirational stuff. You should all check out CrossFit.com and watch the Womens Final....

And Congrats to Annie,Repeat Winner! thats a big deal, I wondered if I would ever see it....

As well glad to see you are all working hard back home. I will see you all in september.