Friday, 20 July 2012

Mini-WOD Saturday

Care says YES!
Meet for 10-ish.

Work on your own stuff, or if you want a mini-WOD:

5 rounds
Rest as needed between lifts
KB press 5-5-3-3-3 (each arm)

Then some technique practice:
-Snatch Pulls
-Pressing Snatch Balance (click for video)


  1. KB Press: 35
    Snatch Pull: 205
    PSB: 60

  2. sealfit wod : principles

    Baseline: ROM Drills. 5 Rounds: Run 200m, 5x pull ups, 10x push ups, 15x air squats.

    Work Capacity: Complete 3 rounds for time of the following…

    8x Power snatch (135#/95#)
    7x muscle ups
    Run 400m
    Strength: 3-3-3 Bench Press. 3 reps @ 70% 1 RM, 3 reps @ 80% 1 RM, 3+ reps @ 90% 1 RM (last set is a burn out set).

    Stamina: Chipper, not timed: 15x Bench press @ 85% 1 RM, 75x KB floor press (16kg/12kg), 400m WTD overhead lunge (45#/25#)

    Durability: 8x Hill sprints (Rest is walk down the hill, and if you do not have access to a hill, substitute 200m sprints @ :30 interval). 5 minutes box breathing and Warrior Yoga Hip Mobility Drill.

    subbed 135 for 115 for power snatchs
