Saturday, 5 September 2015

Passing the Torch

As you guys all know, I am officially out of our little workout group, and thus can no longer update this blog or preform any programming. If any one wants to take up either of those tasks, let me know; otherwise, this is the last post for this blog....

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Start Up

We will start back up on August 31, same time as always, 1715! Come ready to sweat...

This is how Camille spent her summer....

Sunday, 28 June 2015

Summer Schedule

Now that we're down to a small crew, we are scaling back on the programming for the next two months. Timings and everything will remain the same -- we will just be focussing on lifts and endurance running. Keep training hard, email me if you need some direction, and see you back for regular WOD-ing in September.

Even Camille's in summer-mode.

Thursday, 25 June 2015

1. Skin the cat!

2. For time:
 -80 DU
-30 burpees
-20 situps
-10 broad jumps
-60 DU
-30 burpees
-10 broad jumps
-40 DU
-30 burpees
-20 situps
-10 broad jumps

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

1. BS: 1×6 @ 70%, 1×6 @ 80%, 1×3 @ 90%, 1×2 @ 95%

2. HSPU: 3x max reps
**sub is DB strict press, heavy

3. FS: 1×5 @ 65%, 1×4 @ 75%, 2×4 @ 80%

4.  Man-makers....

Sunday, 21 June 2015

1. Snatch: 3x3 @50%, then build quickly to a heavy single

2. Snatch pull 3-3-3-3-3
**the focus should be on speed; increase load on each set, maintain good technique

3. 2 Rds: In 6 mins, run 400m, then AMRAP
-5 hand release push ups
-10 KBSnatch (5 per hand, any sequence)
-15 BJ
-----then rest 1 min, and repeat

Thursday, 18 June 2015

1. Hang pwr clean -- 5-5-5-5-5
**choose a load for speed and technique

2. 2 Rds:
-50 BJ
-50 Push ups
-50 KBS

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

The Bear

The Bear Complex:

One complex is 7 rounds of:
-1 pwr clean
-1 FS
-1 PP

The workout is to complete 5 total complexes, with rest as needed between each complex.

- Start with a lighter weight, and then increase for each complex
- The bar is touch and go when starting the pwr clean each round
- Movements may bleed into each other: do a squat clean into a thruster into a back squat and into a back thruster; you can deadlift off the floor and do a hang power clean, etc
- Resting is permitted at any point, while holding the bar...

Sunday, 14 June 2015

This is going to be tough:

Five rounds for time of:
21 TGU
400m Run

Thursday, 11 June 2015

1. Back squat
1×8 @ 65%, 1×6 @ 75%, 1×4 @ 85%, 1×4 @ 90%

2. Strict weighted pull ups: 5-5-5

3. Front squat:
1×5 @ 70%, 1×4 @ 80%, 1×3 @ 85%, 1×3 @ 90%

4. Death by burpees....

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

1. Back squat:
1×8 @ 65%, 1×8 @ 70%, 1×8 @ 75%, 1×8 @ 80%

2. Unbroken ring rows: 3xMax reps
**Ring rows should be performed as horizontally as possible. Rep begins from dead hang and ends when the ring touches your armpit. If these are too easy/you get too many reps, elevate feet on box.
3. AMRAP in 12 mins
-1 Turkish get up
-4 Overhead Squats (115/75)
-7 KB snatch
-10 Hand Release Pushups

Sunday, 7 June 2015

“Eva” -- 5 rounds, for time:
-Run 800 meters (4 laps)
-30 KB swing
-30 pullups

Thursday, 4 June 2015

1. Back Squat:
1×8 @ 65%, 1×8 @ 70%, 1×6 @ 80%, 1×6 @ 85%

2. Weighted push up: 3×5
**Reps should be fast.

3. Front Squat:
1×5 @ 70%, 1×5 @ 75%, 1×5 @ 80%, 1×5 @ 85%
4. 50 double unders, then: 5 rounds of:
Row 250m
25 KBS

**we'll take turns using the rower, and/or sub 1 sprinted lap

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

1. Muscle Snatch: 3×5

2. Hang Power Snatch: 3×3

3. Snatch: 3×1

**Your choice of weights for the above should be based on a set you can do with speed and good form.

4. “Grace” -- 30 reps, for time:
Clean and Jerk (135/95)

Sunday, 31 May 2015

1. Push Press: 5-5-5 @ 80% of strict press 1RM

2. Split Jerk: 3-3-3-3 @ 80% of split jerk 1RM, then two attempts at PR single
3. Accumulate 40ft of handstand walk, or 2 mins of handstand against wall

4. “Elizabeth” -- 21-15-9, for time of:
-Clean (135/95)
-Ring dips
1. 12 mins HSPU work, against wall

2. “Kelly” -- 5 rounds for time:
400m Run
30 Box jump
30 Wall ball

Thursday, 28 May 2015

1. Front Squat Medley:
-Max reps at 185/135
-Max reps at 135/95
-Max reps at 95/65
**Perform max reps, take 3 mins rest and begin next round. Score is total reps.

2. 7 min AMRAP:
-6 Ring push ups
-9 Deadlift (135/95)

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

1. Handstand against wall: Establish handstand against wall. When acceptable form is achieved, attempt to remove one, then both feet from wall.

2. Hang power snatch
Take 12 mins to go from a light load with perfect technique and keep adding weight until form is lost.
3. "Jackie”
Row 1000m
50 Thrusters(45/35#)
30 Pull-ups
**we'll take turns with the rower, or sub 800m run

Sunday, 24 May 2015

1. Back Squat:
-1×10 @ 60%
-1×10 @ 65%
-1×8 @ 70%
-1×8 @ 75%

2. Chest to Bar Pull Up: 3xMax Reps
3. Front Squat:
-1×5 @ 60%
-1×5 @ 65%
-1×5 @ 70%
-1×5 @ 70%

4. For time:
4 Hand release push ups + 4 sprints
8 Hand release push ups + 4 sprints
12 Hand release push ups + 4 sprints
16 Hand release push ups + 4 sprints
20 Hand release push ups + 4 sprints
16 Hand release push ups + 4 sprints
12 Hand release push ups + 4 sprints
8 Hand release push ups + 4 sprints
4 Hand release push ups + 4 sprints

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Saturday Night Social

Big-ass social on Saturday night!! $10 at the Punjab Cultural Centre!! Get your tickets from Justyn!!


1. Hang Clean: 6×3 @ 55% of Clean 1RM
**this is not a hang power clean!

2. Push Press: 3×4 @ 85% of Strict Press 1RM

3. 4 rounds for max reps:
Unbroken KBS
Unbroken Wall ball
Score is total reps. 90sec rest to be taken between rounds. 10sec to transition between movements

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Lots of Lifts

1. Back Squat:
-1×8 @ 60%
-1×8 @ 70%
-1×6 @ 80%
-1×6 @ 85%

2. Chin Ups: 2×3 (weighted), 1xMax Reps (body weight)

3. Front Squat:
-1×5 @ 60%
-1×5 @ 70%
-1×5 @ 75%
-1×5 @ 80%

4. For time:
1 Split jerk (155#/105#)
6 Ring dips
10 Wall ball
16 Overhead lunge steps (45#/25#)
**After completing the first movement go back to start and add a new movement each round. So do 1 jerk, then 1 jerk and 6 dips, then 1 jerk, 6 dips, and the wall balls, etc...

Sunday, 17 May 2015


1. KB Windmill: 2×5, 2×3, 2×1

2. TGU: 5xHeavy singles.
Warm up, then build to a heavy rep, then perform four more sets.

3. First, rum 1 mile (medium speed). Then, 8 min AMRAP:
-10 Shoulder touches
-15 Boat rockers

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Oly Work

1. Tall Clean: 10 mins working on speed of getting under bar into front squat position.

2. Clean:
-2×5 @ 70%
-2×5 @ 75%
-3×2 @ 80% of 1RM

3. For time:
75 Kettblebell swings (53/35#)
75 Situps
75 Overhead Squats (65/45#)

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Random Chipper Night

**Use the same bar load throughout:

20 Burpee box jumps (24/30″)
20 Deadlift (95/65#)
20 Power cleans
20 Push press
20 Pull ups
15 Burpee box jumps
15 Deadlift
15 Power cleans
15 Push press
15 Pull ups
10 Burpee box jumps
10 Deadlift
10 Power cleans
10 Push press
10 Pull ups

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Thursday Outing!!

Let's have a social night on Thursday!! It has been suggested that we go to Viva, at 505 Sargent Ave. Shall we meet for 1900???

Lots of Lifting Tonight!

1. Back Squat:
-1×10 @ 60%
-1×8 @ 70%
-1×8 @ 75%
-1×8 @ 80%

2. Barbell Bench Press: 2×5, 1xMax Reps
**go heavy!

3. Front Squat:
-1×5 @ 60%
-1×5 @ 65%
-2×5 @ 70%

4. 3 rounds, AMRAP, 1 min per exercise:
Toes to Bar
Double unders

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Tight Midline Night

1. Headstand: 12 mins skill development.

2. Split Jerk: build to a heavy 3, in 3 or less sets. Then 3×1 @ 85% of estimated 1RM.

3. 5 rounds for time:
3 Bar muscle ups
20 wall ball

If you don’t have bar muscle ups, sub 3 ring muscle ups or 5 strict pullups or 10 ring rows

Tuesday, 5 May 2015


1. Back Squat:
-1×10 @ 60%
-1×8 @ 65%
-1×6 @ 70%
-1×6 @ 75%
-1×6 @ 80%

2. Front Squat:
-1×5 @ 65%
-1×5 @70%
-2×5 @ 75% 

3. “Annie”
50-40-30-20-10 of:
Double Unders
Sit Ups

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Oly Work

1. Snatch Grip DL: 6x2 @60% of DL 1RM

2. Muscle Snatch: 6x3 @ light load
**focus on speed -- decrease weight as speed decreases

3. Snatch Balance: 8x1 @ challenging load

4. 5 rounds of:
-8 DL (BW)
-8 KB Snatch with OHS
**snatch the KB and then OHS it
**this is four reps per arm

Thursday, 30 April 2015

Open WOD

1. “Chelsea”
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 squats
Each minute, on the minute, for 30 mins.

2. CrossFit Open 12.1
Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of:

Tuesday, 28 April 2015


1. Clean: 2×5 @ 55%, 2×3 @ 60%, 3×1 @ 65%

2. 3 rounds (NFT):
4 strict presses
3 push-presses
2 push jerks
**Find your heaviest four rep strict press. Use same load for all reps. Rest 120s between rounds. Go as heavy as you can while still completing all reps.

3. Tabata time!
Tabata pushups
Rest 30 seconds
Tabata situps
Rest 30 seconds
Tabata shuttle runs
Rest 30 seconds
Tabata pushups

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Squats and Skips

1. Back Squat: 1×10 @ 60%, 1×8 @ 65%, 1×8 @ 70%, 1×8 @ 75% of 1RM

2. Front Squat: 1×5 @ 60%, 1×5 @ 65%, 2×5 @ 70%

3. AMRAP in 15 minutes of:
100 single skips
Max rep pull-ups
**As soon as you drop off the bar, you have to skip again before coming back to do more pull-ups. Kipping is permitted. Score is total number of pull ups.

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Handstands and Triplet

1. 4 x Wall walk to handstand with 10 shoulder touches.
**Wall walk begins with feet on the floor and heels touching the wall. It ends when the chest touches the wall. Perform 10 alternating shoulder touches.

2. For time:
21 kettlebell swings (53/35)
21 burpees
21 wallball shots (10′ target, 20/14)
15 kettlebell swings (53/35)
15 burpees
15 wallball shots (10′ target, 20/14)
9 kettlebell swings (53/35)
9 burpees
9 wallball shots (10′ target, 20/14)

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Strength Night

1. Back Squat: 1×10 @ 60%, 1×8 @ 70%, 1×6 @ 75%, 1×4 @ 80% of 1RM
**Rest minimum of 90s between sets, increase as load increases. Failed rep? Should have rested longer.

2. Strict Pull Up: 3xMax reps
**No kipping. Arms must be straight at the bottom of the rep and chin must be completely over the bar at the top. Rest 60s between sets.

3. Front Squat: 1×5 @ 60%, 3×5 @ 70% of 1RM
**Rest minimum of 90s between sets, increase as load increases.

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Jerks and an AMRAP

1. Push Jerk: 2×6 @ 55%, 2×3 @60%, 2×3 @ 65% of 1RM Push Jerk.

2. AMRAP in four minutes: Pause Snatch Balance (135/95)
**The pause means holding the bottom position for 10 seconds. The goal is to complete the entire four minutes without dropping the barbell. You may rest in the back rack position. There will be a 20 Burpee penalty for every time the barbell is dropped. The penalty will be performed AFTER the 4 minutes is up.

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Pause Squats

1. 3 Sec pause BS 3-3-3-3-3-3 @70%

2. For time:
10 Pwr clean (135/95)
20 DL (135/95)
40 BJ
80 DU

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Doin' it Fran-Style!

1. Floor press 10-8-6-6
**recover 60sec between sets

2. rest 5 mins

3. Time trial: 100 pushups (Justyn wears a weight vest!!)

4. For time:
21 thrusters (65/45)
21 chest to bars
15 thrusters (95/65)
15 C-B
9 thrusters (135/95)
9 C-B
**C-B sub is ring rows -- consider elevating feet to increase the challenge; rings must touch chest

Really good floor press demo. Ignore the multi-grip bar parts, and listen to how hard he's breathing!!

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Death by KB

1. DL 5-5-5

2. Clean pull 3-3-3-3-3

3. Death: 6 Rds
-1 TGU
-20 KBS
-5 Snatch left
-5 Snatch right
-1 TGD
**every time you put down the KB during a round, 5 burpee penalty post-WOD

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Snatch Work

1. Snatch-grip DL 5-5-3-1-1

2. Then: Snatch 1x15 @60%

3. 4 Rds:
25 wall ball
15 hang pwr clean
5 shuttle runs

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Ye Olde Chipper

For time:
30 Pull-ups
50 KBS
75 Sit-ups
50 Push-ups
30 FS (95/65)
25 HSPU or DB push press
30 Hang squat cleans (95/65)
30 K-E
25 Ring dips
21 Snatches (95)
75 Sit-ups

Sunday, 5 April 2015


1. Hang Power Clean 5-5-5 @50%

2. Pwr Clean 3-3-3 @80%

3. Squat Clean 3-2-1-1-1

4. 3 attempts at best time for 800m run
**rest 5 mins between attempts

Thursday, 2 April 2015

KBs and DUs

1. 3 Rds for AMRAP:

-1 min KBS
-1 min hand release pushups
-1 min walking lunge
-1 min recovery

2. 5 min recovery

3. 5 Rds:
-10 KB snatch left hand
-50 DU
-10 KB snatch right hand
**perform 5 burpees at the beginning of the next round, & every time you put down the KB before you complete 10 reps

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Post-Open Return to Normalicy

1. Push Press 3-3-3-3-3 --> find your 3RM

2. Push Press: 10-10-10 @60% of 3RM
**This will be a light load, so focus on technique!

3. 15 min AMRAP:
15 BJ
10 T-B
5 DL (155/105)

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Monday 15.5??

So, seeing as no one showed up on Friday night for 15.5, I guess that's what we're doing Monday night. Figure out what order you're going in, b/c scores have to be posted by 1900 so we won't have a lot of time to dick around....

Camille's reaction to Friday's attendance.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Fun Times

1. OHS: 5x5 @medium weight

2. 5 Rds:
-20 KBS
-5 FS (105/85)

3. Handstand work

Sunday, 22 March 2015

The Final Week

Enjoy this last week of 'light' activities...

1. BS: 3x3 @90%

2. TGU: 2 heavy reps per arm
**Justyn use a heavy barbell

3. Rings!!

Saturday, 21 March 2015

15.4 Scores

Good effort, this was an arduous one....

Alex: 65
Karlee: 64
John: 116
Brennan: 95
Eric: 80

Tuesday, 17 March 2015


1. Snatch-grip DL: 3x5
She's a little bit cheeky in this one...

2. 7 Rds:
-20 KBS
-20 BJ
-20 Situps

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Friday, 13 March 2015

15.3 Scores

Only two more to go!!

Remember, we were all scaled except Eric!!

John: 641
Eric: 111
Brennan: 546
Me: 550
Craw: 420

Justyn, Alex, and Karlee (???) will hit it on Monday!!

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Back and Abs

1. BS: 5x5 @85%

2. Pressing snatch balance

3. 3x10 T-B