Tuesday, 31 December 2013

New Year's Day Traveling WOD

Andrew and I will NOT be at the Armouries Weds night, and I don't know if it will be open. Here is a little workout to do from the comfort of your home....

Christmas socks.

For time:
21 situp/jump ups
9 pushups
15 situp/jump ups
15 pushups
9 situp/jump ups
21 pushups

*A situp/jump up is a full situp into a jump squat, (roll up to your feet and jump)

Sunday, 29 December 2013

1 RM Monday!

We are going for some 1RM!
I am unsure what this means.


Thursday, 26 December 2013

Double WOD Friday!!

WOD 1:
Ry-Gos understands weighted pullups.

5 rds of:
6 KB Snatch per arm (55/35)
12 BJ

~5min rest

WOD 2:

1-3-5-7-9 of:
Push Press (65% bw)
Weighted Pullups (25lbs)
Burpee BJs

Sunday, 22 December 2013

2 Christmas-Break 'Hotel' WODs

Andrew and I will be away for Monday and Wednesday, and we don't know if the building will be open/any one will want to work out around Christmas. So, here are two WODs that you can do from the comfort of your home/travels...

WOD 1 (ie: Monday) -- "Coach Walter"
3 rounds of:
-400m run
-40 walking lunges
-30 situps
-20 pushups
-10 burpees

WOD 2 (ie: Wednesday) -- Tabata BtB Squats
-bottom to bottom squats -- start at the bottom of the squat, bottom-to-bottom is 1 rep, rest at the bottom of the squat.
-8 rounds of 20 seconds of work, with 10 seconds of rest
-this will give a total of 4 minutes of full throttle work....

This is what comes up first when you google 'camille leblanc-bazinet christmas'....

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Chipper Friday

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of:
Burpees hurt even Camille.
SDHP (75/55)
Push Press (75/55)
KBS (55/35)

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Sprint & AMRAP Couplet

After the activation:

2 x 4 x 60m
-20 accel, 40 maintain
-2 min rest b/w runs, 5 mins b/w sets

Couplet: 7 min AMRAP, add 3 reps each successive rd (3x-6x-9x...etc) of
3 thrusters (100/65)
3 pullups
Let's Thrust.

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Monday Lifts

Skill: walking on hands
Look at those trunks.

Shoulder Press: 5-5-5-5-5 --> stay with medium weight
FS: 5-5-5-5-5 -->stay with medium weight
Pressing Snatch Balance: 3-3-3

Thursday, 12 December 2013


Tonight we're doing Helen:
3 Rounds:
Camille mocks our weakness.
400m run
21 KBS (55/35)
12 pullups

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Sprint & Couplet

After the activation:

2 x 4 x 60m
-15 accel, 45 maintain
-90 sec rest b/w runs, 5 mins b/w sets

Couplet: 5 rds of
5 C&J (135/95)
5 pullups, strict

Sunday, 8 December 2013


Skill: dbl unders again

Lifts: increase on all weights
BS: 3-3-2-2-2
Push Press: 3-3-2-2-2
Clean Pulls: 3-3-3-3-3

Why did they Photoshop her face?!?

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Something Different

Let's hit up a different kind of WOD:

3 rounds, 1 minute at each station, rest 1 minute between rounds:
C&J (75/55)
SDHP (75/55)

FrostFit 2014

Here's the skinny for this year's compition:

  • They are holding spots for affiliates until Monday.
  • Tuesday morning open registration starts.
  • Non-Rx will be two person, same-sex teams, to the cost of $250. There will be 50 teams per sex.
  • Rx is individual, and is $125. There will be 25 competitors per sex.
  • The comp is two days: 25-26 Jan.
If you want to do this, and I really recommend it, and you don't want to go through the hassle of open registration, call, post or email me by Saturday night and I can wrangle you an affiliate spot. Otherwise, you're on your own to register.

We're so cool.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Plyo and Rings

Plyo circuit
She's doing 95lb dips.

Skin the Cat x 5
Knees to Elbows x 7
Ring Dips x 7
Toes to Rings x 7
Support Position x 2 max hold

Sunday, 1 December 2013


Skill: anything upside down -- walking, holding, push-upping....

Cleans: 5-5-5-5-5 --> first two sets, really watch technique, last three sets, add weight
OHS: 5-5-3-3-3 --> first two sets, really watch technique, last three sets, add weight
Deadlift: 3-3-3-3-3 --> get heavy

Thursday, 28 November 2013


20 minutes:
10 SDHP (95/65)
10 Burpee
10 KBS (55-35)
10 Thursters (95/65)

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Going the distance!

After activiation etc, we will:

2 x 60m
She nailed it too....
2 x 300m for time

Couplet -- 5 Rounds

10 C&J (135/85)
15 BJ

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Monday Monday Monday

Skill: double unders

Work-- increase weight for all movements

FS: 5-5-2-2-1
Bench: 5-5-2-2-1
Jerk: 5-5-2-2-1

Elbows up.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Chipper with No Name

Might be pretty quick:
5 DB thrusters (55/35)
10 mountain climbers
20 OH walking lunge steps (45/35)
30 BJ
40 Paralette push-ups (KV: deficet HSPU, JF: kipping HSPU)
50 Pullups (KV/JF: strict, no kips allowed)
60 Situps (KV/JF: holding 35 KB)
Guess Who.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Weds Long Sprints

Warm-up: activation drills, ABCs, accels


4 x ~150m
120 sec rest between runs
**if there's enough people, we'll try to time these.

Couplet -- 3 Rounds of
42-30-18 double unders
21-15-9 KBS (35/55)

Sunday, 17 November 2013


We didn't get to do this last week, so here we go:

Camille knows how to handle balls.

-BS: 3-3-2-2-1 --> increase to heavy
-Shoulder Press: 3-3-2-2-1 -->getting heavy
-Snatch: 3-3-2-2-1 --> guess the pattern
-TGU: 10 per arm

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Sprint & Couplet Night

Yesss, stretch those legs......
Warm-up: activation drills, ABCs, accels


2 x 4 x 60m
-15m accel, 45m maintain
-90 sec rest between runs
-5 min rest between sets

Use the heaviest KB you can:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 KBS
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 burpees

Sunday, 10 November 2013



Camille hates missing workouts.

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Hunting Humans

WOD Name: Hunting Humans

For time:
25 pullups
50 deadlifts (135/95)
50 pushups
50 box jumps
50 barbell curls (45/35)
50 thrusters (45/35)
25 pullups
50 situps

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Plyo & Rings

Plyo Circuit:
-distance jumps
-long depth jumps
-box lateral shuffle
-single-leg jumps
-weighted box jumps

Ring Circuit, complete however you like:
-5 x 10 sec L-sit (KV & JF do 3 x 10 L-sit pullups)
-5 x 3 sets muscle-ups or progression work
-10 x 3 toes to rings
-10 x 3 sets ring pushups (KV & JF do ring-HSPU)
-5 skin the cat, focus on full back extension

A rare unhappy-looking Camille

Sunday, 3 November 2013


I'd wink her butt, know what I'm sayin?
After warm-up

Skill: we are going to fix our butt winks!!

-FS: 3-3-2-2-1 --> increasing weight
-Snatch Grip DL: 3-3-3-3 --> go heavy, keep the same weight
-Push press: 4-4-4-4-4 --> go heavy, keep the same weight

Thursday, 31 October 2013


Here we go:

Put your focus face on!
Set barbell weight at 115/95

10 C&J
10 Pwr Snatch
10 Thrusters
25 Deadlifts
25 Floor Wipers
25 Deadlifts
10 Thursters
10 Pwr Snatch
10 C&J

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Sprint & Couplet

Engage thrusters for landing.
Warm-up: activation drills, ABCs, accels


2 x 4 x 60m
-10m accel, 50m maintain
-1 min rest between runs
-5 min rest between sets


5 rounds of:

-10 bj
-15 pushups

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Strength Night!

Warm-Up: 3 laps, 3 x (5-10-15)

Skill: wall ball technique -- 3 sets of 10

-OHS: 4-4-4-4-4
-Bench: 5-5-5-5-5
-Cleans: 3-3-2-2-1

Spring loaded.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Team Chipper

And now for something completely different...

3 person team, partition workload as desired, one person working at a time, you must complete each exercise before moving onto the next one:
-132 burpee box jumps
-132 push press (115/75)
-132 KBS (55/35)
-1200m run

Post-WOD reaction....

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Sprint Couplets

Changing up from straight sprints...

Warmup: ABC, activation, etc

Couplet 1: 3 rounds of
-21 pwr clean (155/105)
-run 400m

Couplet 2: 5 rounds of
-150m run
-15 pushups
**if you can, do HSPU instead!!

Camille explains that Justyn & Kyle have to do HSPU.

Sunday, 20 October 2013


Warmup: 3 laps, 2 x (5-10-15)

Skill: practice going into the back rack off the floor

-BS: 5-5-3-3-2
-DL: 3-3-3-3-3
-Jerk: 3-3-2-2-2

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Chip This

What are you doing later tonight???
After warm-up, get ready...

Funbobby's Filthy 50
50 pullups
50 deadlifts (135/115)
50 pushups
50 KBS (55/35)
50 back squat (135/115)
50 K-E
50 KB thrusters -- singles (55/35)
50 walking lunge steps (35 DBs)
50 burpees

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Weds Sprint and Couplet

Camille knows you can do it!
Warm-up: activation drills, ABCs, accels


2 x 4 x 60m
-10m accel, 50m maintain
-1 min rest between runs
-5 min rest between sets

Couplet: 5 rounds of
-3 shoulder press(155/124)
-7 double KB snatch (55/35)

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Monday Lifting

After warm-up & shoulder mobility....

Skill: balance in handstand, max hold, static position

-Front Squat: 5-5-5-5-5
-Push Press: 5-5-3-3-1
-Squat Snatch: 3-3-3-3 -- like two weeks ago with the squat cleans, the point is it practice catching low, so keep your weight light/medium

Low and tight.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Ab Day!

Tonight's special guest is your stomach muscles:

50 situps
50 double unders
50 situps
50 walking lunge steps
50 situps
50 burpees
50 situps

Remember to chalk up your ab-mat (thanks Kathleen!):

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Sprints and AMRAP

Warmup: 5 min jog, ABCs, activation drills, and accels

Sprint WOD:

Ten rounds of:

  • 100 meter Sprint
  • Rest 90 seconds b/w sprints

  • AMRAP, 8 mins of:
    7 thrusters (115/85)
    10 SDHP (115/85)

    Sunday, 6 October 2013

    Lifting Monday

    Warmup: normal

    Skill: pistol -- 3 sets of 5 per leg. If this is easy, do weighted &/or balanced on a KB


    BS: 5-5-5-5-5
    Good Mornings: 5-5-5-5-5
    Pressing Snatch Balance: 3-3-3-3

    Saturday, 5 October 2013


    Thanks to Nenad for the new jump ropes!!

    I think you guys need more double unders.

    Thursday, 3 October 2013


    After warm-up:

    Jell-O Legs:
    30 C&J (135/95)
    Run 1/2 mile
    30 Snatch (135/95)
    Run 1/2 mile
    30 Burpee pullups
    Run 1/2 mile

    PS: If your name has a 'y' in it, you get to run 1 mile (10 laps) each time....

    Oh yeah....

    Tuesday, 1 October 2013

    Weds Plyo & Rings

    Warm-Up: 3 laps, 2 x (5-10-15)
    Black & white make it classy.

    Plyo circuit

    Skin the Cat x 5
    Knees to Elbows x 7
    Ring Dips x 7
    Toes to Rings x 7
    Support Position x 2 max hold

    Monday, 30 September 2013

    Squat Clean Tips

    So. This link takes you to Sage Burgener's little rap and tips about getting under the bar when cleaning. (Yes, her rap's a little goofy, but she is a Burgener so she knows what she's talking about).


    It's all about that transition phase....


    Monday Weights

    Warm-Up/Skill: double unders, 30x4, then 5-10-15 x 2

    -shoulder press 5-5-3-3-2
    -bench press 5-5-3-3-2
    -squat cleans 3-3-3-3-3 -- this is for a light/medium weight, to practice depth


    Thursday, 26 September 2013

    Friday KB Chipper

    Post warm-up/skill review:

    High Pull.

    21 KBS (55/35)
    21 Pushups
    21 KB C&J
    21 Pullups
    21 KB snatch
    21 Situps
    21 KB thruster, right arm
    21 Double unders
    21 KB thruster, left arm

    Tuesday, 24 September 2013

    Wednesday Sprint & Couplet

    Warm-Up: 5 min jog, ABC, activation drills/accels

    Work: Death by 10 metres -- Interval Sprints
    First round run 10m; every minute add 10m until fail. Score = total rounds.
    Staring doesn't get it up.

    Strength: Turkish DLite
    6 rounds:
    10 TGU (35)
    10 Deadlift (1/2 bw)

    Sunday, 22 September 2013

    Monday Strength

    1. Standard warm-up

    2. FS: 3-3-3-3-3

    3. Snatch-grip deadlift: work up to 1RM, rest 2 mins between lifts

    4. Push press: 5-5-3-3-2

    5.  Skill work: maintain handstand position for 4 x 30 sec

    Not really WOD-related but......

    Thursday, 19 September 2013

    Friday Chipper

    Bringing back the end of week chipper.

    Nice socks.

    For time:
    40 pushups
    20 KBS (55/35)
    10 pullups
    400m run
    10 pullups
    20 KBS
    40 pushups

    Tuesday, 17 September 2013

    Weds Sprint & Couplet

    Warm-Up: 5 min jog, A-B-Cs, activation drills/starts

    -4 x 60m (10m accel, 50m maintain)
    *1 min rest between sprints

    Couplet: 5 rounds of
    -7 hang squat clean (155/105)
    -10 clapping push ups

    Dig in.

    Sunday, 15 September 2013

    Monday Madness

    Warm-Up: 3 laps, 2 x (5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats), shoulder mobility

    Skill Review: snatch & jerk

    Work Out: Bob's Tasty Combo #1
    -rest as needed between efforts
    -Snatch: 2-2-2-2 @ 75% 1RM
    -Jerk: 2-2-2-2-2 @ 80% 1RM
    -Clean high pull from blocks: 3-3-3 @ 90% 1RM
    -Back Squat: 2-2-2-2 @ 90% 1RM

    Hittin' 90.

    Monday, 9 September 2013

    Militant CrossFit: 09-09-13

    A. Strict Press – build to a 1RM
    B. Wtd Pull up or Chin Up – build to a 1RM
    C. 50 Presses for time @65% of part A
    D. 50/40 strict chin ups for time

    We get to test our overhead press and our weighted pullup today, pronated grip, though feel free to try a few with supinated or mixed grip if you like.  If you are new do a 3RM instead of a 1RM. Focus on keeping ass and abs tight and elbows under the bar.

    For the weighted pullup, test this only if you already have 5 strict pullups. If you’re not quite there yet, you can work on negatives and banded pullups, as your coach for a recommendation

    Sunday, 8 September 2013


    New timing: we will be starting at 1700 from now on!!

    Camille deems it so.

    Wednesday, 4 September 2013

    Militant CrossFit: 4-Sept-13

    Health, Fitness & Performance:
    A. Test your dip:
    your choice of weighted dip or max dips
    B. Tabata pullups
    C. Tabata pushups
    D. Tabata situps
    For part A, the goal is to test our progress for dips.  If you have been working ring dips, and know that you already have at least 5 ring dips, you can test your weighted ring dip.  If you aren’t sure if have 5 ring dips but know that you have at least 1, test out max ring dips.  If you have been working with regular dips (not on rings) and know that you have at least 5, you can test your max weighted dip with hands on boxes or  bars. If you don’t know if you have dips, today is a great opportunity to test out your max dips on a stable surface such as on boxes. If you don’t have full range of motion toe pushups, you’ll want to work on those instead.  If you are somewhere in between pushups and dips, you can test max pushups or max weighted pushup (have a friend put a plate on your back but be careful!)  For parts B, C and D, we are looking at 8 sets of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest.  Rest no more than a minute in between tabatas.  Choose a variation of the movement that you can do at a high intensity, keeping in mind that these movements fatigue quickly.

    Friday, 30 August 2013

    Militant CrossFit: 30-Aug-13

    Hey guys sorry for not posting on Monday & Wednesday. Some changes were made and I didn't have access to a computer. Back on track though!

    Warm up - standard


    Press 5, 3, 1, 3, 5 reps

    3 rounds, each for time:
    5 Hang Power Cleans (135/85)
    10 Push Jerks (135/85)
    15 Pull-ups
    20 Overhead Walking Lunges (45,25)

    Rest exactly 1 min between rounds.

    Friday, 23 August 2013

    Militant CrossFit: 23-Aug-13

    Warm up:
    A. 6 sets:
    Back Squat 3-4 reps

    B. 5 Rounds for time:
    5 Thrusters (135/115/95/65)
    2 Laps
    If you were able to get 6 sets of 4 reps at the same weight last time, please increase the weight by 5 to 10 lbs today and try to get 6 sets of 4.  If you did not get 4 reps for all 6 sets last time, please use the same weight as you did last time.  If you are new to this, please choose a weight that you think you can do for 6 sets of 2 to 3 reps, but stay at the same weight for all sets and try to get 4 reps on each set.  
    In part B,  If you have any trouble with the front rack position for thrusters, dumbbell thrusters are a great substitution.

    Wednesday, 21 August 2013

    Weds Night

    Warm-Up: 3 laps, then 3 x (5 pushups, 10 BJ, 15 air squats)

    Strength: OHS, 5-5-3-3-1

    WOD: Helen
    3 rounds of:
    400 m run
    21 KBS (55/35)
    12 pullups

    Monday, 19 August 2013

    Militant CrossFit: 18-Aug-13

    Warm Up: 3 Rounds
    30 Double Unders
    5 Pull-Ups
    10 Push-ups
    15 Air Squats

    Clean and Jerk: 5 x 2 (75-85%)

    Clean Pull: 4 x 3

    Grace or Isabel

    Friday, 16 August 2013



    Warm up: Standard


    Press Cluters:
    For time:
    Cash in with 3 Laps
    Then 12, 9, 6, 3 reps:
    Front Squat (185/135,95)
    Strict K2E (Hanging Leg Raises)
    Cash out with 3 Laps

    Part A we are doing clusters for our presses, however, this time instead of doing clusters of single reps, we are doing clusters of 3 reps,2 reps and 1 rep. For the first cluster do 3 reps, rack the bar and rest about 10 seconds, pick it up again, do 3 more reps, rack the bar, rest 10 seconds, pick it up again, and do the last 3 reps, and so on for the clusters of 2 and for the final 2 clusters which are clusters of singles. You’ll want to build up the weight as you go and get pretty close to your 1RM by the time you hit the last cluster.

    Thursday, 15 August 2013

    CrossFit Coverup

    Good Afternoon All,

    I will get right to the point - we've traumatized the cadets and their parents. So, the following things must happen in order for us to continue to live in harmony with Minto's shrill little foundlings:

    1.)     No more changing on the parade square, we'll have to make a party of it in one of the offices
    2.)     No more shirtless workouts if the little darlings are on the parade square, or in the building for that        matter.

    No big deal, we just gotta play ball.


    Wednesday, 14 August 2013

    Militant CrossFit: 14-Aug-13


    Warm up: Same, same


    Weighted dip clusters x 3
    rest 10-15 sec between reps and 2-3 min between sets
    B. 5 min AMRAP:
    5 strict pullups
    10 box jumps (30/24)
    C. 6 sets, every 2 minutes on a running clock
    5 clapping or explosive pushups immediately in to 50M sprint


    For Part A, we continue with our clusters, but this time for dips, or weighted dips. These can be done on rings, or you can set up dumbbells on top of high boxes to imitate a dip station. The idea here is strength work so if you can do them weighted go for it. If not, go with strict unweighed. If you don’t yet have dips, you can work on negatives, either on a stable surface or on the rings, which are a bit harder because of the added instability. If working on negatives, 1 or 2 reps per set is fine, 5 negatives might be a bit much. You can also work on holding your ring support for 30 to 45 seconds. These are all good training options.

    Part B is a short intense AMRAP, of strict pullups and box jumps. You may sub strict banded pullups or ring rows as needed.

    Monday, 12 August 2013

    Militant CrossFit: 12-Aug-13

    Nice work on the lifts guys!

    Today: Warm up (Standard)


    If you still have some 1RM stuff to do work on it. If you're all done then do this!

    A. Clean wave 3,2,1,3, 2,1, 3, 2, 1
    B. 5 rounds for time:
    Thrusters x 8 reps (135/105/85)
    1 Lap
    Rest 1 min between rounds.


    For Part A, we are looking to do 9 sets of cleans, these can be power cleans or full squat cleans, either from the hang or from the floor. If you are new I recommend working from the hang vs. from the floor. The idea here is that your first wave can be a bit of a warm-up. You will want each set of 3 to be heavier than the last set of 3, each double to be heavier than the last double and each single heavier than the last single. If you have a goal for a weight that you want to hit today, you can start there and work your way backwards. For example if you want to do a single at 200lbs for your last set, consider something like 155 x3, 165 x2, 175 x 1, 175 x3, 185 x 2, 195 x 1, 180 x 3, 190 x2, 200 x1.

    For Part B we are looking to challenge our thruster weights and go a bit heavier than you would usually go, as we are slowly building up to more and heavier thrusters over the next few weeks. After the thrusters, run and rest before starting it all over again. Try to keep your splits as consistent as possible. Make sure you rest exactly 1 min, what is important here is each of the individual times in each round, not the overall time so if you shorten the rest to try to improve your total time, you are kind of missing the point

    Friday, 9 August 2013

    Militant CrossFit: 9-August-13

    Warm up: Standard

    Then: Muscle Fibre Testing!!!!

    All Lifts - 85% of one rep max, max reps.

    I can’t stress how important this is guys!!! Your rep totals gives an indication of your muscle fibre composition. Muscle fibre composition lets me know about how your body reacts to certain training which allows me to put together daily workouts that you will see better results from.

    Wednesday, 7 August 2013

    Militant CrossFit: 7-Aug-13

    Warm Up:
    3 Rounds
    30 Double Unders
    10 Push Ups
    16 Walking Lunges

    Continue 1RM Testing

    3 Power Snatch
    5 Handstand Push-ups (Sub Double KB Press)
    7 Box Jump Overs (24/14)

    Monday, 5 August 2013

    Holiday Monday WOD

    From Vince:

    1RM for cleans.

    In teams of 2 with only 1 person working at a time, complete the following:
    *2 kb must be held at all times by each team. There is a 5 burpee penalty for everyone on the team each time a kb touches the ground.

    70 Deadlift (165,115)
    70 Pull-ups
    1 Lap KB Run
    70 Knees To Elbow
    70 KB Lunges
    1 Lap Kb Run
    70 Push-ups with plate on back
    70 KB Squats
    1 Lap KB Run
    70 goblet squat 2 overhead
    70 Burpees Over KB
    1 Lap KB Run

    Wednesday, 31 July 2013

    Militant CrossFit: 31-July-13

    Warm up:

    Continue 1RM testing

    In teams of two, complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
    Ring Dip x 5 reps
    Double KB Front Squat x 10 reps (55/35)
    Kettlebell Snatch x 15 reps (55/35) switch arms as needed

    Monday, 29 July 2013

    Militant CrossFit: 29-July-13

    Hey all!

    Here are some programming notes for today!

    Please start testing your 1RM for the following lifts over the next 2 weeks before the WOD. 

    Back Squat

    Front Squat


    Power clean

    Power Snatch

    Close Grip Bench (14 inches)

    Overhead press

    Weighted pull-up (pronated grip)

    In addition to testing your 1RM, I would also like you to do muscle fiber testing on the following:

    (1) Front Squat or Back Squat - your choice

    (2) Deadlift 

    (3) Overhead press or Close Grip bench press - your choice

    (4) Weighted pull-up

    Here's how you do the muscle fiber test. First test your 1RM, then rest 10 to 15 minutes. The heavier the 1RM the more you need to rest, so for deadlift and squat rest 15 minutes but for weighted pull-ups, 10 minutes is probably enough. After your rest load up with exactly 85% of your 1RM (use fractional plates) and do as many reps as you can at a controlled tempo and mark down the number of reps you were able to complete.

    Todays WOD:
    A. In teams of two, complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
    135/95 lb. Power Cleans x 3 reps
    24/20″ Box Jump Overs x 6 reps
    Burpees x 9 reps

    A. In teams of two, complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
    165/115 lb. Power Cleans x 3 reps
    24/20″ Box Jump Overs x 6 reps
    Burpees x 9 reps

    Friday, 26 July 2013

    Militant CrossFit: 26-July-13

    Warm Up:

    3 Rounds
    AMRAP: Pistols Right Leg
    30 Second Side Plank (Right)
    AMRAP: Pistols Left Leg
    30 Second Side Plank (Left)

    100 Double Unders
    1 Lap
    30 Pull-ups (Sub Ring Rows or Band)
    1 Lap
    30 Front Squats (135/115/95)
    1 Lap
    1 Lap Farmer's Carry (55/35)
    20 KB Snatch (55/35)
    1 Lap

    For Part A, the intent is to test how many consecutive pistols, or single leg squats you can do on one leg consecutively. If you have pistols, go ahead and test this out. If you do do not have full ROM pistols, do sets of 5 modified reps. Modifications might include elevating your heel, using a counterweight or going down to a box. In between sets, work on your side plank. If 30 to 45 seconds is too easy, elevate the top foot and/or hold up a kettlebell with the top arm.

    Wednesday, 24 July 2013

    Militant CrossFit: 24-July-13

    Warm Up:

    Then:A. 8 sets, every 2 minutes on a running clock
    Sprint 50M starting lying down on your back
    B. For time:
    20 burpees
    5 rounds of Cindy
    20 burpees

    Start each sprint lying on your back with your head toward the start line, at the start signal, you will scramble up as quickly as possible, turn around and sprint to 50m. Do this 8 times, every 2 minutes on a running clock. In a large group, the start times can be staggered. For part B, cash in with 20 burpees, then do 5 rounds of 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 air squats, then cash out with 20 more burpees. This should be a sprint as well. If you do not have pull-ups, I recommend ring rows as getting in and out of the band for 5 pullups will be too time consuming.

    Monday, 22 July 2013

    Militant CrossFit: 22-July-13

    Warm Up:


    A. EMOTM 6 min:
    Deadlift 6 reps touch n go unbroken @ 75%
    B. EMOTM 6 min:
    Good morning 6 reps
    C. EMOTM 6 min:
    12 pistols alternating
    D. EMOTM 6 min:
    12 KB snatch (alternate sides per round) (55/35)
    E. EMOTM 6 min:
    12 hollow rocks


    A bit of a different format today. A good strategy is to warm up all the movements beforehand so that the clock can go off every minute and seamlessly go from one exercise to another. I recommend 1-2 min rest between exercises. Most of these movements should be pretty straight forward. If you don’t have a pistol, you can work on doing them to a box or bench or using a counter weight or even single leg or double leg deck squats. If not sure about the loads, err on the light side.

    Friday, 19 July 2013

    Militant CrossFit: 19-July-13

    IF you read this before sessions tonight. BRING A TOWEL!!!

    Warm Up:

    Back Squat: 10,8,6,4,2
    Rest 1 min between sets

    20 min AMRAP
    1 Lap Farmer's Walk (55/35)
    4 Clean and Jerk (135, 105, 95)
    6 Towel Pull-ups
    6 Knees to Elbows (Hanging from Towel)
    6 Pistols (Alternating 2 per leg)

    The towel pull-up combo simulates climbing a 20' Rope. 6 reps is one climb. You might have to raise the squat racks a bunch though. If you donèt have pull-ups sub Ring rows, Hanging Leg raises and airsquats. You will have to double the reps though: 12, 12, 12.

    Wednesday, 17 July 2013

    Militant CrossFit: 17-July-13

    Warm Up:

    5 sets:
    DB Bulgarian Split Squat: 6-8 reps
    Good Mornings: 6-8 @3013
    AMRAP in 5 min:
    10 hang power clean unbroken (95/65)
    AMRAP in 5 min:
    Barbell Bear Complex unbroken (95/65)


    Try going a bit heavier on the split squats than last time. If there are not a lot of KB or DB try doing them with a bar in the front rack position. Aim to eventually get to 1/3 bodyweight per hand. Make sure your ankles and hips are well mobilized before attempting this. Common faults include hips coming up faster than the torso – keep that chest up and use your legs & gluts to get that weight up. If you back foot cramps, you’ll need to put less weight in the back foot and have only your toes on the bench or box.  Good morning are at tempo go slow on the way down and hold for 3 seconds at the top.  Remember to keep a straight back. 

    For Part B, the idea is to see how many sets of 10 unbroken cleans you can do in 5 minutes at a lighter weight. This does not mean that technique goes out the window, these should still look like cleans! You can set the bar down after 10 reps and then go again. Score is number of completed sets of 10 in 5 minutes. 

    Part C is a twist on the classic Bear Complex. 1 round of bear complex = 1 Power Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Push Press + 1 Back Squat + 1 Push-Press (behind the neck). Usually, we would do this 7 times for max weight. Today, the idea is to see how many times you can go through this complex in 5 minutes. You cannot set the barbell down in the middle of the complex, it must be unbroken.

    Monday, 15 July 2013

    Militant CrossFit: 15-July-13

    Warm Up:
    3 x 30 Double Unders
    2 Rounds
    5 Pull-ups
    10 Push-ups
    15 Air Squats

    Power Cleans: 5 x 1

    The 2012 Games Chipper, with some slight modifications.

    For time:
    10 Overhead squats (95 / 65 lbs)
    10 Box jump overs (20” / 16” box)
    10 Thrusters (95 / 65 lbs)
    10 Power cleans (135 / 95 lbs)
    10 Toes to bar
    10 Burpees
    10 Pullups
    10 Toes to bar
    10 Power cleans (135 / 95 lbs)
    10 Thrusters, (95 / 65 lbs)
    10 Box jump overs (20” / 16” box)
    10 Overhead squats (95 / 65 lbs)

    Sub T2B with K2E or Hanging Leg Raises. The original called for Burpee Pull-ups and a fat bar for thrusters, but logistically these would be tough for us...

    Friday, 12 July 2013

    Militant CrossFit: 12-July-13

    Warm up: Standard


    Deadlift, 3 sets:
    Set 1: 80% x 2 reps
    Set 2: 86% x 2 reps
    Set 3: 92.5 x 2 reps


    For time:
    Set up the bar you will use in workout B.
    Run 7.5 Laps
    25 Bar Facing Burpees

    B.When the clock strikes 10 minutes, perform the following…
    Three rounds for time of:
     95/65 lbs Push Press x 15 reps
    Toes to Bar x 20 reps

    C. When the clock strikes 20 minutes, perform the following…
    Three rounds for time of:
     24"/18"/14" Box Jump-Overs x 15 reps
    Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 20 reps

    Scale as you need to. If you dont have T2B sub K2E or hanging leg raises. Chest to bar can be subbed for regular chins or ring rows!

    Wednesday, 10 July 2013

    Militant CrossFit: 10-July-13

    Warm Up:

    A. 4 sets:
    Single arm KB press 5-6 reps
    Leg Raises 5-6 reps
    B. For time:18 Chest to Bar pull ups
    18 Ring Dips
    12 double KB Jerks (55/35)
    15 Chest to Bar pull ups
    15 Ring Dips
    9 double KB Jerks
    12 Chest to Bar pull ups
    12 Ring Dips
    6 double KB Jerks


    You’ll need to work extra hard to stay completely tight on the kettebell presses. These are done standing, and you can imagine not only pushing the kettlebell but also pushing your body away from the kettlebell. Wrist should stay completely straight and it can help to make a fist with the other hand in order to make sure you are keeping everything tight. Do both sides before moving onto the leg raises. 
    For part B, if you have your 5 strict pullups, go ahead and kip the pullups on this workout. If you have at least 1 strict pull-up, you may use a band for banded strict pullups. If you do not have a strict pullup, please do challenging ring rows. For the ring dips, sub ring pushups, regular pushups or any horizontal pushing variation. Prioritize midline stability and range of motion rather than choosing a movement that is too hard. The kettlebell jerks a bit tricky. Keep wrists straight once again and get used to a good double kettlbell rack position. These can also be done with dumbbells but the advantage to the kettlebell is that the rack position allows for a longer range of motion so if you want to get stronger at these use the kettlebells. Unlike a barbell jerk, your feet will not move in the kettlebell jerk, you simply do a push press and rebend your knees to catch the weight.

    Monday, 8 July 2013

    Militant CrossFit: 08-July-13

    Warm Up: Standard


    A. 4 sets:
    Good morning 8-10 reps @30X1 (Tempo: 3 Down, 1 Up)
    DB/KB thruster 8-10 reps
    B. For time:
    15 Overhead Squats (95/65)
    2 Laps
    30 Front Squats
    3 Laps
    60 Air Squats
    2.5 Laps


    Good mornings will be done with a straight back today, going slow on the way down and fast on the way up. Adjust the weight according to the rep scheme and tempo, which should be heavier than last week. For the dumbbell thrusters, aim to go heavy, and if you manage to complete all 10 reps without letting go of the dumbbells, then go up in weight for the next set. You might surprise yourself. For Part B, choose a weight that allows you to do the squats in no more than two or three sets, ideally even unbroken. This will likely be in the 60 to 70% of 1RM range for the overhead squat and closer to 50% of your front squat 1RM.

    Friday, 5 July 2013

    Militant CrossFit: 05-July-13

    Warm Up: Standard

    A. 3 sets:
    Barbell Good Morning 10-12 reps @30X1 - 30X1 is tempo - 3 count down, 1 count up
    Barbell rollout 10-12 reps

    B. 22 minutes of work for technique not for time:
    10 KB snatch left
    1 gym length OH KB walking lunge left
    20 KB pullover situps
    10 KB snatch right
    1 gym length OH walking lunge right
    20 goblet squats


    We continue with our lower intensity skill and structural balance work this week. Part A is a good morning and rollout combo.  Err on the light side for the good mornings and although there is such a thing as rounded back good mornings, we will focus on straight back, almost straight legged good morning, which will bias hamstrings a bit more. Experiment with stance to see what works for you. Only go as low as hamstrings will allow. Follow that up with barbell rollouts, which will be on the knees for most of us. If your lower back doesn’t like these, it means that you need to engage abs and butt a bit more as you roll out or reduce the range of motion until your core gets stronger. For part B, work on perfecting technique and keeping the pace steady. Start with snatches then keep the kettlebell overhead after your last snatch as you do walking lunges to the construction area on the parade square (The same distance we always use).  Then do your situps, then do the other side for snatches and lunges and finish with goblet squats. This is one round, see how much you can get done over the course of the class. You can adjust the kettlebell weight as needed, but use the following guidelines and aim to hit the following weights at some point during your workout. Rx = 35/25lbs and Rx+ = 55/35lbs.

    Wednesday, 3 July 2013

    Militant CrossFit: 3-July-13

    Sorry about missing Monday's Post guys. Long weekend had me losing track of days!!!


    Warm Up:


    A. 4 sets:
    Ring Tricep Extension: 6-8 reps
    TGU: 3 per side
    B. 18 minutes of work for technique not for time:
    10 Double KB Jerks
    10 Leg Circles in each direction
    10 KB Kossak Lunge
    10 Ring Push-ups with turn out
    10 Strict pullups

    Cycle through as many times as you can in the 18 min. Again, not for time, but for quality of movement!


    This week the intensity is down and volume is up as we build a base for this new programming cycle.  Tricep extensions are essentially tricep presses done on the rings. You can modify by changing the position of the rings. You can also sub scull crushers. Follow this up with turkish get-ups, 3 reps in a row per side. Rest as needed. Part B is not for time but work at a pace that allows you to maintain top quality reps. Kettlebell jerks are done with 2 kettlebells and unlike a barbell jerk, your feet will not move or leave the ground simply push press and rebend the knees to catch.  With Leg circles the larger the circle the more difficult it is, make sure you maintain a nice hollow body for these.  Kossak lunges can be done with our without weight and to make them more difficult stay low during the transition from side to side. For the pushups, make sure that you maintain palm forward fixation throughout the entire pushup. Raise rings or go to knees as needed. For pull-ups, you can sub banded pullups or ring rows as needed.

    Monday, 1 July 2013

    Canada Day WOD

    1820. Plyo boxes and ring work. A short and sweet workout on our most patriotic day.

    Hot fun in the summer time....

    Friday, 28 June 2013

    Militant CrossFit: 28-June-13

    Warm Up: Standard

    Weighted Pistol find your 1 rep max with a kettlebell in rack position
    4 sets:
    2 minutes to complete:
    5 Back Squats (BWT)
    7 THrusters (95/65)
    AMRAP - KB swings (55/35)
    Rest 2 minutes between sets


    Part A is testing our max weighted pistol. This will require a lot of hip and ankle mobility but if you know you can do pistols this is a great opportunity to test out your strength here and also to see if both sides match. If you don’t have pistols, take this time to work in this as a skill, there are various ways to do this. I recommend sets of 5 per side, doing deck squats, single leg deck squats, pistols to a box or using a plate under the heel or a counter-weight to assist you.

    Part B: Start each set with back squats, followed Thrusters and finishing with AMRAP kettle bell swings in the remaining time. Scale back squats to no more than 75% of your 1RM is you can't do BW.

    Wednesday, 26 June 2013

    Militant CrossFit: 26-June-13

    Warm up


    Sprint Drills: A, B, C's


    A. Sprints:
    Run 800M for time, rest 6 minutes
    Run 400M for time, rest 4 minutes
    Run 200M for time, rest 2 minutes
    B. “Annie”
    50-40-30-20-10 reps for time:
    Double Unders
    Abmat situps

    Monday, 24 June 2013

    Militant CrossFit: 24-June-2013

    Warm Up

    Then shoulder mobility drills

    Snatch; find your 1 rep max
    AMRAP in 10 min:
    1 deadlift (225/155)
    2 barbell facing burpees
    3 deadlift
    4 barbell facing burpees
    5 deadlift
    6 barbell facing burpees

    7 deadlift


    Friday, 21 June 2013

    Militant CrossFit: 21-June-13

    Warm up:
    2 Rounds
    1 Lap
    10 Push-ups
    10 Tuck Jumps
    10 Air Squats

    30 min AMRAP:
    1 burpees
    3 KB Swings (55/35 to forehead height)
    1 Lap
    2 burpees
    6 KB Swings
    1 Lap
    3 burpees
    9 kettlebell Swings
    1 Lap
    4 burpees
    12 kettlebell swings
    1 lap
    and so on....

    Wednesday, 19 June 2013

    Militant CrossFit: 19-June-13

    Warm up:

    3 rounds
    5 Front Squat (BW)
    6 Box Jumps

    Rest 10 min, Stretch and Mobility Work

    AMRAP (15 Min)
    5 Strict Pull-ups (Sub Ring Rows)
    7 Push Press (65%BW)
    9 Knees to Elbows (Sub Leg Raises)

    Monday, 17 June 2013

    Out for a Week

    Hey guys,

    I'm out for this week as it is exam crunch time - why does it seem like I'm doing more work than my students :S  Anyways, will be back on Monday and for the rest of the summer - keep sweatin :)


    Militant CrossFit: 17-June-13

    Warm up:

    Push Press (5,5,3,3,2)

    10 minutes AMRAP of Back Squats, but every time you rack the bar, you must do 30 barbell bicep curls.

    The weight for back squats is BWT for Fitness and 1.25 x BWT for Advanced. The bicep curls should be done with an empty barbell (35lbs for ladies and 45lbs for guys).

    Friday, 14 June 2013

    Friday Fun Times

    After warm-up, we'll hit some light ring work for skills, then the WOD of:

    21-18-15-12-9-6-3 of:
    Sumo deadlift high-pull (75/55)
    Push jerk (75/55)

    Wednesday, 12 June 2013

    Militant CrossFit: 12-June-13

    Warm Up:

    Front Squats:
    7 Sets of 2

    4 Sets for Max Reps
    1 Min DeadLift (205#, 155#, 135#)
    1 Min Overhead Walking Lunges (115#, 75#)
    1 Min Rest

    Monday, 10 June 2013

    Militant CrossFit: 10-June-13

    Welcome to another Monday at CrossFit Militant!

    Warm-up: Standard!!


    A, B, C's - Sprinting Drills


    5 x 50M Sprints


    3 rounds
    15x KB snatch, right arm  (53#, 35#, 25#)
    15x Sit-ups
    15x KB snatch, left arm  (53#, 35#, 25#)
    15x Knees to elbows (Sub leg raises)

    And since I NEVER post pictures...here is one to address Caroline's girl crush!!

    Camille and a KB